I listen to podcasts at work, so I started experimenting outside of CTH. I listened to Blowback, Some of American prestige, some of West Wing thing, even tried listening to theory.

I just need a break from Hellworld. It's the same reason I stopped listening to TrueAnon and Knowledge Fight, because the horror of the American Mythos is too maddening to behold.

I don't really have much interest in most stuff, most video game podcast just talk about industry bullshit and the only non political podcast is Friends at the Table, but the current season I'm on is about two evil empires at war with each other.

I don't know, I just need something to distract me while I process files at work that doesn't talk about war crimes or democrat obstructionism

  • Straight_Depth [they/them]
    3 年前

    Revolutions talks about other, historical cool zones, and is removed enough from current hellworld to feel very distinct.

  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
    3 年前

    History of Rome by Mike Duncan is a good one. Little lib, but still held up for me on a second listen. Otherwise I've really enjoyed Bizarre Podcast: Dogs Must Die, which is a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure episode recap that works and is hilarious even if you only have passing knowledge of the subject matter. Lastly, I have always enjoyed the Felix-adjacent Episode One, which is an improv show, even though you have to find free ones for the locked content.

    • hopelesscomrade [they/them]
      3 年前

      I actually have followed Chip and Ironicus, do they go by their real names now, since the Retsupae days. I did listen to the one where the fight Darby the Younger. Also I did believe that Mission J Frog was in MGS 3 and that Ironicus was black for years.

      • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
        3 年前

        Oldheads know.

        Yeah, they do the whole intro as Grant and Chip now, (though it's 'Grant a.k.a Ironicus', sorta like the intro for Radio War Nerd) but they still post the strongest YouTube LPs. Only ones I really bother to watch for fun and commentary anymore.

        Lol nice, I remember the Mission J Frog bit. They brought it back a couple of times in thier MGS 5 LP.

        • hopelesscomrade [they/them]
          3 年前

          The only problem I have is that if I'm interested in playing the game, I won't watch the LP and that means I've gone years without watching their stuff because of the old SA model of waiting a month between episodes

    • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
      3 年前

      Just scroll until you find one about an old-timey car race or someone trying to invent a stupid thing.

  • MsUltraViolet [she/her]
    3 年前

    Idk if you like the discussion of dumb movies or just two close friends talking about our insane world, you might like my podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/0herzR8g2CsOqI3o3aD4kA

    I would recommend starting with an episode like Incel Terms or Poochinski

  • hwoarang [any]
    3 年前

    srsly wrng is the only left podcast with hope and joy in it's heart, even when they do really bleak topics. they are my sweet children.

  • D61 [any]
    3 年前

    Cars and Comrades... I kinda tune out during the first part where they talk about their project cars but when they start talking about Tesla, Musk, NUMMI, etc I find it enjoyable.

  • BigBird [none/use name]
    3 年前

    Red menace breaks down theory, The Red Nation,The East is a Podcast, Philosophize This, Millennials are Killing Capitalism

  • Notcontenttobequiet [he/him]
    3 年前

    If you're interested in queer history: History is Gay

    If you're interested in linguistics: Lingthusiasm

    If you're interested in math: A Problem Squared

    That's all I got. Everything else I listen to is hellworld adjacent.

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    3 年前

    Boonta vista is extremely pleasant to listen to, they dont usually talk politics much. Just some laid back funny people being funny together.