The more specific the better.

Here's mine:

  • Prana brand pants.
  • /r/bodyweightfitness.
  • "Bullshit Jobs"
  • "Communist Manifesto"
  • Fasting.
  • My current haircut (long on the top; short on the sides).
  • /r/malefashionadvice
  • Electorism and "the news" is dumb
  • Break up with that girl

editing. is there a better way to make a list? thanks for the help, comrades

  • carbohydra [des/pair]
    3 years ago
    • brush your teeth, a sloppy brushing is better than none. it only takes a minute or two.
    • making small talk isn't an indication that people are vapid automatons, it's a fine art and you suck at it. people need to establish a baseline rapport.
    • you can just pick up and move somewhere else basically whenever.
    • drugs can make you content when you shouldn't be.
    • bros before hoes (unisex).
    • a busy schedule paradoxically leaves you more room to do fun stuff. when you have a loose schedule you can laze around and postpone everything which means you will need to catch up on school/work when you could be hanging out with friends.
    • start every day with a walk outside, it doesn't have to be long.

    list formatting

    • Not_irony [he/him]
      3 years ago

      brush your teeth, a sloppy brushing is better than none. it only takes a minute or two.

      electric tooth brush for the win. steal or buy knock off replacment heads

    • Not_irony [he/him]
      3 years ago

      drugs can make you content when you shouldn’t be.

      bread and circuses

    • Not_irony [he/him]
      3 years ago

      start every day with a walk outside, it doesn’t have to be long.

      been meaning to get this one going for years. been on a decent workout in the morning kick lately, but on my rest days, I should make this the baseline

    • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
      3 years ago

      making small talk isn’t an indication that people are vapid automatons, it’s a fine art and you suck at it. people need to establish a baseline rapport

      this is great advice

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      start every day with a walk outside, it doesn’t have to be long.

      This is the best thing about having a dog for me, is she forces me to take a walk outside at least twice a day (Usually 3 times but she can do 2 if needed so occasionally I have to drop one)

  • crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago
    • ignore your parents when they tell you not to do stuff. Cut your hair short, lift weights, wear suits, openly date girls, dyke out on main.
    • get evaluated for adhd
    • don't stop exercising when you get to college
    • the people who love you will respect your needs and boundaries even if they don't understand them
    • call your grandma
  • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
    3 years ago
    • don't get off the hair loss shit just because its annoying/hard to get. It works, just hard to notice. You like your hair, work for it, its not vain.

    • That freak talking about bitcoin in 2013 was more right than you know, drop 500 bucks on it now and just hold on.

    • That empty feeling you have is depression, identify it, don't ignore it.

    • Smoke less weed and keep up with playing music. You love it and you're talented but talent needs practice, don't let it go to waste.

    • grisbajskulor [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Fuck that hair loss thing is making me reconsider... ugh

      Could you tell me what you use?

      • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
        3 years ago

        i had really shit experiences with actual dermatologists, they'd prescribe finasteride, or whatever the generic one is called. But they'd bounce between different sizes, sometimes I'd have to break tablets up, sometimes it'd cost 90 bucks, sometimes insurance covered it.

        I stopped for a couple years and then just did Keeps because dermatologists suck. Keeps isn't crazy expensive and I basically get the finasteride and minoxidil. The effectiveness depends on the person and current conditions, ie it didn't help at all while I was in school and stressed to hell, but once graduated it's kept my hair about static, albiet a little bit off loss, but a lot slower.

        Also don't go on the tressless sub on :reddit-logo:, its a bizarre and and depressing place full of the desperate and insecure. I feel for them but its incredibly unhealthy for ones brain to surround yourself with other desperate and insecure folks.

        Hair loss sucks, my dad and his dad had it. I've always kept my hair long since I was a kid and I genuinely enjoy my hair. I've cut it short before but its just less fun. If you're not super bad off, don't let the "shave it" crowd get to you unless you're already cool with it. I rather look like Oscar Bluth than shaved tbh.

        • grisbajskulor [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Thanks for this, this is exactly the kind of overview I was desperate for. I've gone on :reddit-logo: before about this and yeah, immediate depression hits. Weirdly very glad to be talking to a commie about this.

          I've been extremely 'anti-vain; since I was a child and had borderline hairproduct-phobia that still lingers to this day, so I have an inclination to stay "natural." But I realized I've always been subconsciously very vain. Honestly I think I'm pretty attractive lol but it's 80% my hair, and my haircuts just generally look worse these days. So I'm reconsidering my commitment to 'naturalness.' My brother who looks identical to me is balding faster than me and honestly it doesn't look great, but he's as happy as ever and has a "if you care about it you've already lost" attitude which I had too, essentially until reading your comment. I might just need to admit that I'm more vain than he is.

          Oscar Bluth

          Absolutely same there lmao. I know some bad hairline people in their 30s who look disheveled but it kinda works, and I prefer that over the clean corporate "just shave it" thing. I aspire to have :bernie: 's hair when I'm older but honestly his hairline has been fire his whole life so I'm out of luck there.

          I'll consider signing up for keeps. They have some decent introductory pricing so maybe I should just try it. If the act of it makes me more insecure and depressed I'll just have to stop and accept how I look.

          Sincerely thank you, your comments have helped me a lot.

          EDIT: Another reason why I'm hesitant is because a quoted doctor on WebMD says once you stop, you may lose hair faster than if you hadn't started treatment at all. Not sure what to do with that info. Maybe I also need to stop smoking and having a shitty diet lol

          • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
            3 years ago

            I'm glad I could help. It's good to be honest with ones self.

            Stopping can cause issues because finesteride messes with your hormones and stopping hormones is always a shock.

            As for the "if you care you already lost", thats like saying "money doesn't buy happiness". How you look is sadly important for daily interactions, mostly indirectly, subconsciously. If you like how you look then you're confident and that shows to others. Whatever you do, you just gotta own it.

      • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
        3 years ago

        idk man imo that hair loss stuff seems like a scam to keep people quiet for a few years, I don't think you are going to be able to fight genetics like that. Just embrace it bald is beautiful.

        • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Sure you can't fight it and win, but my hairloss started when I was barely 20. I'm married now and don't really care about attracting people, I just really enjoy having long hair. I haven't had a hair cut in over three years.

          Its been 6 years since I identified the hair loss and I still have plenty of hair, enough people don't notice right away.

          I'm glad for some folks that they like being bald, but I hate the pressure to shave one's head from random internet weirdos. I don't want to keep up with keeping it shaved, it'd look like shit half the time. Some people pay for monthly haircuts, I pay for monthly reverse haircuts. I don't think there's any shame in that.

          • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
            3 years ago

            Oh I'm not trying to say there's shame in it. I also started going bald early, BEFORE I was even 20 (wtf is that shit) and tried some of that stuff. Everytime I took the medicine or whatever I just felt stupid like am I really going to do this everyday for the rest of my life? I didn't stick with it very long so you probably know more about how effective it is and have more willpower than me in that regard. I also hate haircuts so now I just shave it all every couple weeks or so (or not if I am too depressed lol) I just wish it wasn't such a big deal if a man is bald/balding considering it happens to most men.

            • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
              3 years ago

              The ironic thing is it didn't used to be a big deal until the treatments were more common, now you can barely have a balding actor or musician.

      • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I didn't really get any side effects from it. Especially long term.

        finasteride isn't a magical drug, it mostly just slows the process that causes follicles to die IIRC by blocking a byproduct of testosterone.

        If you can afford it, its not a bad option. Keeps isn't extremely expensive, about 30 bucks a month or so.

  • Mother [any]
    3 years ago

    Leave the US. If I have one major regret in life it’s staying here

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    3 years ago
    • She isn't going to like just because you're nice, and that's fine. It's still good to be nice and decent to everyone.
    • You determine your blackness. No one else.
    • Fighting over technical computer stuff is nerd shit. Just hack up stuff, don't worry about what language you use or whatever. You'll learn more and have more fun if you just do stuff rather than bugging out if you should X or Y language.
    • Start saving your cash. It’s good to have an emergency fund
    • Your writing is bad, but it'll be bad if stop writing. Write more and don't be discouraged because it's not as good as the authors you read
    • Your depression isn't going away. You shouldn't write yourself off because of that. If you're gonna have a sad brain forever, you might as well do cool shit with it.
    • Liking rap and metal doesn't make you special. Shut the fuck up. Just enjoy the music you enjoy.
    • Read "Women Race & Class" and "The Souls of Black Folk".
    • Stop thinking that people are looking at you. No one on campus cares about you, and this should be freeing.
    • As much as you try you're not going to like MMORPGs just play more single player RPGS. You'll have more fun and be more engaged with the systems and lore.
    • The boyz you run with aren't really your friends, they just the dudes that are around. Go find people who actually align with your values.
    • Cooking is dope, stop going out to eat bad food. Stay home make good food.
  • Phillipkdink [he/him]
    3 years ago

    • that stoic stiff-upper-lip shit you learned is bullshit and its inherent dishonesty acts as a barrier that impedes the building of deep relationships

    •the radicals are right. Don't just dabble with radlib shit do your homework this is important

    • there is a thing called the cycle of abuse - learn about it and when you notice it, bounce

    • your family doesn't have a normal way of communicating, you need to learn to be honest with people

    • You don't actually like weed stop smoking it

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    • Break up with her. She’s cheating on you, and even if she wasn’t, that feeling you get when she tells you she’s on the way home is “Dread” and is not how you should feel about an SO.

    • Work out. This one’s hard to give as advice cause I’m still bad at it now.

    • Don’t start smoking weed all day every day just because it’s a pandemic and you have nothing else to do. Weed can be addictive and all the people who said it isn’t are dirty liars.

    • Never buy pre-grated parmesan cheese. Freshly grated is infinitely better.

    • Brush and floss your god damn teeth.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Stop trying to be nice and caring about people that are dogshit to you. Surround yourself with people who care about you.

  • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    3 years ago

    If I were just told the correct answer to every mistake I had made, I would not have grown stronger from the experience. That is too say, the mistakes I have made from a lifestyle perspective were small ones that I am proud to have overcome and would not want to have skipped to the end. Without the forceful push off of reddit, I would not have learned how bad every social media is without a doubt. But, I also learned some useful things while there. The only real advice I could give is not to visit a certain person on a particular day almost exactly a year ago in the method I did. That was just probability working against me, not my fault.

    • Phillipkdink [he/him]
      3 years ago

      If I were just told the correct answer to every mistake I had made, I would not have grown stronger from the experience.

      While this can be true in some cases, it is worth mentioning that "learning the hard way" is not always the best option. People can spend decades with behaviours that don't make them happy or actually traumatize them simply because they weren't exposed to healthier ideas and truths at an earlier age.

      Maybe there is a "deeper" kind of learning from finding your way to a healthy life yourself (if you are ever able to at all), but the question we should be asking is "at what cost?" How many years of destructive or wrong-headed habits are worth that deeper lesson?

      • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
        3 years ago

        I mean yeah, this is very personal to me because my environment and inherent convictions have steered me away from a lot of really bad outcomes, so the little trials I overcome have bigger lessons. I was generally taught things like don't fall into substance abuse, don't get a girl pregnant unless you intend to marry her, and even then don't until you're both graduated and employed, eat healthy and enjoy the outdoors, and so on. I learned to be communist by many experiences that showed capitalism was wrong, if I just skipped to the end my convictions would be weaker. I learned to be outgoing by gathering up my courage and doing it, so hearing to just do it would not really achieve anything. After all, if I wasn't ready to accept failure and knew some people would be receptive, I wouldn't have the courage to accept later rejections or successes as the inevitable outcome of putting myself out there. If I tried to skip to the end of the worst period of my life back in the day, I wouldn't really get anywhere because it was other people's actions along with time numbing the pain and my own growth that led out, I couldn't just give myself the last couple days early, it doesn't make sense. But I learned a lot about my own strength by enduring it.

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
    3 years ago


    • Not_irony [he/him]
      3 years ago

      just warn yourself of the 2017 spike. i owned a bit and bailed then smh

      • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
        3 years ago

        Principles don't pay the bills

        #gammaradiationmale #decaquantogorillionaire #grindset+hustle=grustle

  • cosecantphi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'd tell myself not to try opiates. But to be honest I don't think even a message from the future would have stopped me.

  • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
    3 years ago

    Honestly, all of my life issues are material in nature. Gonna just give myself a couple of winning lotrery numbers and tell myself to invest in Bitcoin.