You all brought it on with your pathetic tankie beliefs, refusing to read any theory or demonstrate even a basic understanding of leftism or global politics. Your site is dying because you're a bunch of edgy tankie LARPers who think denying genocide or telling proles to read Lenin is more important than going to a protest. Your site is dying because of your imperialist America-loving attitude where you don't care about real socialists who are under constant attack by capitalism. Your site is dying because you have a disgusting personality cult around an angry teenager who won't stop pushing "information" straight out of the CIA fact book and literally believes in the horseshoe theory. Your site is dying because you won't let us talk about the election on any board except the USA board. Your site is dying because you ignorant gatekeeping pissants won't let real socialists be mods. Your site is dying because is genuinely a better experience with better software better community better politics and better leaders. Fuck you tankie fucknuts and your stupid little backwater site filled with CIA propaganda and left-bashing. You LOST THE WAR losers!!!!!!!!

  • ComradeAndy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ugh Tankie that, anarkiddie this.

    I just wanna eat the rich ffs.

    Love, an Ancom

    • 0xACAB [she/her]
      4 years ago

      calling people names like this is a sign of spending too much time on the internet and not enough time organising your community, libs