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  • BaptizedNRG [he/him]
    4 years ago

    In my experience, there's good Maoists and there's larpers. I'm not a Maoist, but I can respect guys like Bret O'Shea (sp?) and Black Red Guard.

    Then there's the Maoists who worship Gonzalo and claim his thought is central even though his theory of revolution didn't work. These are the kinds who assaulted my DSA comrades and who spray paint electoral yard signs with hammers and sickles. Because that's how you start a revolution, I guess?

    So yeah, read Mao, but don't read him (or anyone else) as scripture, but as data.

      4 years ago

      WHY ARE THE RED GUARDS AGITATING AGAINST THE WESTERN LEFT? A question you have not sufficiently asked yourself or perhaps bothered with at all

      Your experience is essentially that of an imperial core leftist in a fascist psyop.

      all of MLM (the international communist movement, something you are not familiar with yet) supports Gonzalo fully and without reservation (as fucking if, no Maoists do this because that’s not how fucking Maoism works, we don’t even do that to Mao) or upholds him critically (!!!!!!!!)

      why can you uphold the DPRK but an indigenous peasant revolution is too bloody for you to think about or learn from? [it wasn’t] how does your worldview make any fucking sense [it doesn’t]

      what do you think of the Haitian revolution? John Brown? Use your brain and figure out how this all works please

      maybe you’re surrounded by other imperial core leftists in old bourgeois parties that were corrupted by the bourgeois influence way back in the fifties, and now they’re pumping you full of half-baked Soviet theory to turn you into a counter-revolutionary?

      You don’t like revolutions, certainly not this one, and maybe this is in fact what has happened?

      You think your fellow imperial core leftists aren’t deeply compromised?

      Guess who the red fash is this time! You’re the revisionists! You’re the uncritical imperialist “legal communists” that turn out to be no better than Nazbols! You are what Lenin warned us about!

      You all really think we can’t detect your fascism? The social-fascists did a nice number on you all, yet again, and have lied to you about the true nature of financial capitalism and fascism. It’s fucking finance.

      they all lied to you and I’m truly sorry for what has happened but you have to get out of this ridiculous psyop

      you’re even basically saying “that Chinese theory is mere data for the glorious greco-Marxist Western dialectician to pretend to consume” and even accusing revolutionary communists of “reading scripture” - revolutionaries must not have agency! It must be a dangerous cult! The reds have tricked them into revolutionary violence! They’re going to manipulate the peasants and workers into killing us with this Chinese nonsense!

      I can tell you must not understand the first thing about revolution.

      Maoism is not fucking anodyne data you fascist comprador, it’s a fully-integrated synthetic and dialectical worldview for revolutionaries and the masses, it’s been the worldview of almost all revolutionary Communists for fifty fucking years


      • BaptizedNRG [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I'm not against revolutionary violence or peasant revolts, dude. I'm just saying a lot of guerrilla movements don't seem to work, and maybe your revolutionary theory needs refining.

        Maos's success has not been replicated elsewhere, and the Soviet experience failed, so maybe we need to take the data from those experiences and synthesize them.

        You say you don't treat Maoism as scripture, but then chastise me for daring to call the Chinese experience "anodyne data."

        I'm not saying you accept Mao or Gonzalo unreservedly. I'm saying don't reject everyone else in the meantime.

        From my point of view, you fail to distinguish between secondary and primary contradictions when you consider every western person a fascist or fascist adjacent. You're cutting yourself off from past revolutionary experience because they're not Third-Worldly enough for you. If everyone's fascist, then you're at war with everyone. Even Mao made a temporary alliance with Chiang Kai Shek. How would you define fascism? What is your view on the Popular Front?

        I'm not advocating any particular position, so maybe don't start calling me revisionist. I'm just saying you're automatically denouncing me as fascist without even knowing my positions, so maybe you need to examine why that is.

        Never let your cadre be the only arbiter of truth.

        • FUCKTHEPAINTUP [any]
          4 years ago

          Stop trying to find condescending ways to call me fucking brainwashed and read more of your own goddamn theory, then.

          I don’t need to know all your particular positions to know what dogmatic ideological mould produces people who say “Gonzalo is bad” and don’t realize they themselves have fallen for rightist propaganda.

          It’s bourgeois red scare fear-mongering that demonstrates counter-revolutionary corruption in your identity, as if a revolution, which is fought for earnestly by the masses, who do have every bit as much agency as you could be simply “bad and not communist”

          This is infuriating for someone in my position. I have fucking bled for communism and you have quite obviously done next to nothing, and barely any of the reading.

          I’m sorry but I don’t have any more energy today to explain to counter-revolutionaries living in fear of the spectre of how I actually read Marx and Lenin and Mao and way more theory and pointless French revolutionary trivia, so maybe some other time. You don’t even know what fascism is! Tell me where it comes from in Das Kapital.

          I am very upset with you and done with this conversation.

          • BaptizedNRG [he/him]
            4 years ago

            If you're getting very upset because someone is questioning your tactics (not your resolve, mind you, I believe that you have bled for revolution), then perhaps you should consider if you're as good a cadre as you think.

            It is the responsibility of cadres to agitate and educate, not for the "deceived by psyop" masses to automatically accept your leadership.

            And if we're going to talk about condescending, maybe reread what you've written, and ask yourself how you would react if someone spoke that way to you.

            I'm asking for your definition of fascism because if I'm a fascist, I want to know what you mean. I believe you're wrong, but I'm willing to ask just in case I'm wrong.

            If you were in fact wrong and were sectarian, how would you know? How would you submit your theory to scrutiny? You can't even describe what your theory is before you get frustrated and say "Read Mao. All of it." What great teachers of the masses you and your comrades must be!

            If you're willing to discuss your views with me calmly, I'm willing to listen.

            Edit: unnecessary apostrophe