He is a senior advisor at the World Uyghur Congress and founder of Uyghur Academy


  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    4 years ago

    What get’s me the most is that there’s no discussion of ideology: We knew the Nazi’s were killing the Jews because they were saying it since day 1. Why is China doing this to the Uighers? You can talk about Han chauvinism but then you have to account for why Han chauvinism shifted from assimilationist to exterminationist.

    There's also the way the state propaganda differs: Nazi propaganda was just an endless stream of racist and fascist bile that painted everyone they disliked as some sort of vermin to be stamped out, whereas Chinese state propaganda is full of anti-racism campaigns and celebrations of culture and diversity (even if this crosses the line into commodification of minority cultures). How exactly are you going to manufacture consent for genocide when you're telling the people you need to go along with it how great your intended victims are and how everyone needs to peacefully coexist?