Worcestershire sauce sounds like an extremely delicious chip flavor. We don’t have it in amerikkka. Our best flavor is salt and vinegar imo
I like salt and vinegar flavour but it makes my mouth feel funny so I dont eat it often
Some parts of america do have wershterchshetsherehcherheshththerer sauce. Might be a regional thing.
Yeah I’ve never seen it. Canadian ketchup flavor (old Dutch) are also delicious if you can find them
Oh word I’ve never tried them; I will have to look out for them
In response to a report, these particular chips are apparently vegan even though worcester sauce typically contains fish. Kind of a fake-o bac-o situation.
This actually looks good, does that big bag only have 6 of them?
I haven't seen them in years but they truly were one of the all time greats in the field of snack.
Never had em. In the US various kettle chips and spicy sweet chili doritos are the best.