First and foremost, F*ck Bernie for being a lib and bending the knee to the Democratic Party.

I’m listening to one of his old speeches and I realize how much I miss having at least a little hope that we had a chance to move in the right direction.

More likely nothing good would’ve actually happened if Bernie had become President, but when he was running at least I had a small amount of hope that we were heading in the right direction, and it feels bad to not have any hope and feel powerless about the whole situation.

Anyway fck the old man. At least I learned how fcked the system is.

  • sonicgmail [he/him]
    4 years ago

    of course its disappointing that bernie didnt have the spine we needed him to have, but i gotta say that the best feeling i ever had regarding politics was after his new hampshire win. i was so happy :(( him getting rat fucked was so devastating, lib or not

  • emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    groundhog day but I get to live February 23rd 2020 forever

  • Terkrockerfeller [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Kinda wonder if in his heart of hearts, he's happy more radical socialists are carrying his banner forward, or if he genuinely thinks moderate social democracy is as far as we should ever go. Kinda interesting to imagine him radicalizing so many people to head left of himself being unintentional