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They forgot to put everyone on the poster.
Kyle Sharnt
Jay Durnk
Brandon Timmacow
Jerry Mesipinini
Carl Plout
Krem Bartong
Gorg Lepershinko
Dart Crumwad
Gil Gussino
Larn Hangleshire
And of course everyone's favorite alpha male motivational speaker, Dan Bongos.
Lonn Tilbo
Wayne "Neckbone" Toppo
Tramm Loucher
Yerne Logginslough
Phillip McCrevis
with a late night party emceed by TV's DJ Beef O'Chicken
[](Dirk Hardpec!)
The Bull
Why do they all look like they haven't shit in 30 years?
Someone should go and ask them which one of them is the alpha of their group of alphas.
It's good that they don't shit, because they probably think wiping their assholes is gay. This is the only way they can have clean butts.
The Venn diagram where Mormons and “alpha men” meet is so fucking funny. Yeah, let me slip into my holy white pajamas before I head to the constipation convention
I am so fucking happy I don't know who any of these dorks are :sicko-wholesome:
Yeah thank the Lord I'm oblivious to whatever the hell this is
I recognize 0 of these people and the attempted aesthetic make it look like it's some Assassin's Creed fancon
I recognize 0 of these people
Same and I fully intend in keeping it that way
a "ticket" to attend virtually is $1000, but is on sale for the next 17 minutes for $500. this is not a joke. i went to the website.
Jeremiah “The Bull” Evans, owner and founder of Alpha Influence has generated over $20 million in personal sales and has helped hundreds of others build their own six-figure businesses. He is an expert sales coach and a master motivator. His mission is to help others create the same success using a method called “The Tri-Force of Wealth.” This powerful strategy is the same method used by millionaires and billionaires to create their generational wealth. His bull mentality and journey to success make him one of the most prolific entrepreneurs we have today! Click below to learn more about Jeremiah.
jokes on this asshole. when it comes to the triforce, i am pretty much the Hero of Time.
id love to sneak into this con, sounds like itd be hilarious
how much you wanna bet he spent all 20 million in personal sales on ManJuice™️ the postworkout drink for MEN
the same method used by millionaires and billionaires to create their generational wealth
i didn't know inheriting an emerald mine involves scamming a bunch of incels, but if it's based on tri-forcing, it's probably legit
Just go and ask which person there is the true alpha since there can't be more than one by their logic.
minus the Queen soundtrack, but the number of katanas owned is about the same