This is a truly incredible article that criticizes China's plans to build high speed rail to under-served parts of China by taking the angle that it won't make money, and therefore is stupid. Amazing that infrastructure projects that help rural Chinese gain access to a high speed rail network is criticized from the angle of profit-making when making a profit is never the point with infrastructure projects. The NYC subway system wasn't built to "make a profit," but that doesn't mean it was a bad idea. But China bad so somehow them building a crazy amount of high speed rail is bad.

  • Bonescape [he/him]
    4 years ago

    How to deal with the constant onslaught of China bad propaganda in the media? I can't really handle it anymore, It's everywhere online and it's making me increasingly pissed off. Especially the human rights pandering, done by people who dont give a fuck about kids dying in Gaza, Yemen and elsewhere.

    • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      Push back, let your social circles know it's all bullshit, and when the moment comes where the imperialist West tries to begin a hot war with China, flood the streets. Xi Jinping doesn't give a shit that some Terminally Online folk call him Winnie the Pooh, and this Bloomberg article isn't going to stop China's high speed rail network from being the best in the world. That's kind of the best part about watching all of this—the West will wring their hands but China played them good, and now there's very little they can do to stop China.

      • Bonescape [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Unfortunately it's not all bullshit. Surely this article is total bullshit, but the camps in Xinjiang are real, and China's nationalism creates plenty other valid China bad talking points. Still, it's nothing the US hasn't done equally or worse, but nobody talking China bad will be interested in hearing US comparisons.

    • Darkmatter2k [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I focus on the development, infrastructure and technology stories from China, and share it as counter programming on social media. This is the starkest contrast to western propaganda right now, especially since neoliberalism has taught people that "we can't have nice things" and Austerity is permanent and natural part of society. While they won't come out and say it deep down, most people know that the wests line of argumentation is bullshit.

      Showing a society completely eclipse the west in so many fields make it easier to handle arguments about propaganda.

      • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
        4 years ago

        This is good, i like to point out that China has both more mosques than us AND waaaaaay more renewable energy than us. Blows people's minds and they're indisputable facts.