Today Danish authorities announced that Lars Findsen, head of the nation's military intelligence agency FE is one of four members of the military intelligence community that was secretly arrested in early December on charges of leaking classified information.

Authorities remain highly secretive about the charges and it is not known to the public what information had allegedly been leaked or who received the information. The FE agency is tasked with espionage against foreign powers deemed hostile to Denmark and with intelligence gathering in warzones where Danish troops are deployed.

The arrest of the nation's spymaster is highly embarrassing to the regime who fears the leaks will damage foreign partners' trust in the nation's spot services.

Findsen denies all allegations as absurd. He was suspended from his post in 2020 following revelations that he had authorized his agency to do illegal espionage against Danish citizens.

  • LibsEatPoop3 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Everyone will assume it’s Russia/China but turns out it’s just usa lol.

    he had authorized his agency to do illegal espionage against Danish citizens.

    Yep. Definitely the us.

    • CTHlurker [he/him]
      3 years ago

      He apparently was the point man when the NSA asked Denmark to spy on Angela Merkel. So it's fairly well known that it was the Americans who were behind this. Also fun fact, apparently a few journalists have been threatened with the treason-section of our penal code. Which also includes doing anything that endangers Denmark's international alliances, including NATO.

        • CTHlurker [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Honestly reading it made my fucking jaw drop. In general reading the danish laws have made me somewhat surprised, since they are a hell of a lot more reactionary than what I had guessed most of our population to actually be like. Now it might be a testamente to the rest of our legal structure that these specific sections aren't more widely known, since they are VERY rarely used.

            • CTHlurker [he/him]
              3 years ago

              Not only that, but if you live in a rental, you can and will be evicted if a member of your family (anyone registered on the same address as you) commits a crime. Which applies to both private rentals as well as public housing.

    • NPa [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I love living in a based social democracy where our intelligence services for sure didn't share access to our undersea cables so the US can listen in on our citizens and allies and politicians. It's great being a totally independent free state where our Prime Minister definitely didn't help Bush and co. in lying about WMD's, then getting rewarded with getting to be Chief of NATO right after. Super cool and good that our collaborationist government under the Nazis delivered names of hundreds of Danish communists to the SS.

      Danmark delenda est :stalin-stressed: