In How Can I Get Through to You?, family therapist Terrence Real tells how his sons were initiated into patriarchal thinking even as their parents worked to create a loving home in which antipatriarchal values prevailed. He tells of how his young son Alexander enjoyed dressing as Barbie until boys playing with his older brother witnessed his Barbie persona and let him know by their gaze and their shocked, disapproving silence that his behavior was unacceptable:

Without a shred of malevolence, the stare my son received transmitted a message. You are not to do this. And the medium that message was broadcast in was a potent emotion: shame. At three, Alexander was learning the rules. A ten second wordless transaction was powerful enough to dissuade my son from that instant forward from what had been a favorite activity. I call such moments of induction the “normal traumatization” of boys.

To indoctrinate boys into the rules of patriarchy, we force them to feel pain and to deny their feelings.

I already feel this with my son. The fact that a radically anti-patriarchal home environment could be undone by a silent 10 second interaction is maddening. My entire childhood experience with gender was focused on shame and how shameful it is to be girly. I don’t want that for my sons and I don’t want the impacts of that for my daughters.

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
    3 years ago

    I saw it as related because the original post relates to suffering that children face under the current mode of production, if it is off topic then so be it, I wont get more answers and Im perfectly fine with that. I really dont care enough to start another thread.

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Going into a thread made by a parent about how toxic masculinity is enforced by society at a young age and parents can have very little control over it. Coming in and asking "Why do people have kids in the first place?" Is rude, detailing and self centered. This was made by someone who already has a child and the overall topic is tangentially related only in that a kids are the topic. Whether or not you think people should give birth is irrelevant to the issues facing children and parents that currently exist. If you don't care enough to make your own thread then keep it to yourself