like i would rather deal with a crackhead singing miley cyrus on the 11pm bus downtown than deal with some fucking idiot cutting me off in traffic. at least the crackhead is actually likeable unlike literally everyone else on the road

  • h00rayforstuff [he/him]
    5 years ago

    I have done hour long driving and hour long train ride commutes in DC and I have never felt as safe on the GW parkway in rush hour as I do on the Metro. Those Raytheon psychos would murder you like you're a Yemeni school child if they could shave a minute or two off their drive.

    • buh [she/her]
      5 years ago

      this has been very consistent with my driving experience, and I live in a completely different part of the US.

      people like to talk about "crazy people on the bus" meanwhile every time I drive there's like 3 people minimum who seem to not care if someone else dies if they can get to wherever in 10 seconds less.

      • Oso_Rojo [he/him, they/them]
        4 years ago

        Nearly every time I take a walk in my rural neighborhood, some asshole flies through a stop sign and almost hits me, then has the audacity to look mad when I yell at them. Drivers are incredibly entitled.