So they are really into the whole “not a business, we’re family” type shit. My boss called me a few times like an hr after work to see what I learned today. I learned that you’re a fuckin asshole w no boundaries dude. Get this, today for morning meeting, he tells us about how “actually, people in poverty are much more similar to wealthy people. And poor and rich people are similar because they’re complacent.” We’re supposed to write down notes smh. Halfway through his dumbass speech, I just started writing up a critique of everything he said. Like sure, inheritance and intergenerational wealth play NO role at all dude, just grind more. What metaphysical bullshit. Tbh if they keep pushing this class collaboration, idealistic view of the world just to act like we need to work harder, I’m gonna look for a new job.

  • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    My boss called me a few times like an hr after work to see what I learned today.

    "Am I getting paid for this phone call? No? Ok bye."

      • booty [he/him]
        6 months ago

        You need to train everybody not to expect you to answer your phone. Ignore it, call back in three hours like "yeah i was busy, do you need something?" Do that a few times, then slowly just stop responding at all. I've ignored my boss's texts for an entire weekend and as soon as I got to work she asked, "did you see my texts" and I replied "yeah, about ten minutes ago when i was getting ready for work" and not even surprised her because this is just what she expects from me now. gigachad-hd

    6 months ago

    Sounds like they're trying to weed out anyone willing to stand up for themselves. Just from this alone, I can tell that when they say "Like a family" what they mean is "I'm going to treat you like an abusive parent would and refuse to respect your autonomy or personhood, and threaten you when I don't get my way."

    This is probably a good time to look for a new job. A boss who demands all of your time outside of work will only demand more and more of it, and exhaust you more and more, making looking for new work even harder.

    Plus when you get a new job, imagine how satisfying it would be when you put in your resignation notice to say that you're quitting solely because of how incompetent and intrusive your boss is.

      6 months ago

      I’m immediately making it clear that my lies are bullshit, but ones he can’t call me on. Like friend and family birthdays lmao. He can ask and I can come up w a fake name idc

    6 months ago

    Fuck that. Run away now. Sounds like he's trying to start a cult. Can you get another job within a reasonable time frame?

    6 months ago

    When he asked you about what you “learned,” did you give him an answer? I’m genuinely curious to know what you said to him since you wrote a critique of his little spiel.

      6 months ago

      I should clarify, I have a guy training me, he’s not my boss but he’s the dude sorta in charge of me. He called me not the boss, which seems cucked to me, why do extra work off the clock? Let the boss call. And even then the boss shouldn’t even be calling. IM OFF WORK!

        6 months ago

        Oh my god, that makes it so much worse! Did you just tell him what the boss wanted to hear or were you honest?

          6 months ago

          I was a bit of both, I talked about what I learned without mentioning that meeting at all. I made my answers very short tho, to convey how I wanted off the phone

      6 months ago

      A Bullshit job, full stop. I recognize it but just wanna stick around long enough so it doesn’t look bad on a resume. Basically our state is giving away free phones to people receiving Medicaid, food stamps, etc. I’m the unlucky asshole tht has go walk around the hood trying to activate these phones for people. So that means Door-to-door, but at least its free so its not really a salesman thing. I thought it was an office job because they call for business casual dress and I was interviewed for an office job, SURPRISE!!! It’s actually door to door in the dead of Winter!🙁 Well at least they have a book club…. What? Wait a second, your book club ONLY chooses books chosen by the Boss and its all just Self-Help books and grindset books?🤢I think I’m gonna be sick🤮

        6 months ago

        It’s actually door to door in the dead of Winter!

        Shit they do it in Poland too, i can't count how many times i went for a job interview and had to sift though the bog of nonsense to finally get that it's about telemarketing or door to door selling insurances, and it's never in the fucking offer, always "office job", yeah right.

    6 months ago

    What the fuckkkk lmao I'm dead that is the ultimate cringe ass PMC/bourgeois stereotype

    That is genuinely crazy fucking behavior tho bro look for a new job just in case lol can't imagine that'd be sustainable for your mental

      6 months ago

      I was gonna keep ranting about how dumb that Rich v Poor, wealthy v poverty thing was, but I digress, yea I will absolutely keep searching, I like that it’s not 100% bullshit, I really DO help people gain access to free phones w unlimited free text and talk, like I enjoy helping people with that, but Door to Door is stupid and also kinda dangerous. A few times I was knocking on a door to do my job and someone said “get my gun” so I slowly and calmly dipped. Annoying af tho, I’m just tryna do my job, but whatevs, I’m not afraid or anything, just annoyed, like you couldn’t just say “no thanks I’m fine”? Smh, people get on my nerves but it’s only happened twice so far.