yip: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kiVyIPwLu8E/maxresdefault.jpg
yip: https://www.reporterherald.com/wp-content/uploads/migration/2013/0320/20130320_22rhfaiw-1.jpg?w=620
yip: https://www.lpbaonline.org/uploads/4/0/4/9/40497529/country-gospel-cowboy-inside_orig.jpg
yes m'am i reckon so: https://cdn.postindependent.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2019/07/recall-polis-petition-1024x576.jpg
I drive by it fairly often and am so tempted to see what the fuck. Just what in the fuck.
Stampin my feet and shootin' off my six shooters for the lord!
I don't see a "no guns" sign on the door and it's in MAGA cattle country so they own whatever is on the market. You might be able to dance like a cowboy crab and shoot into the air while yelling "yip".