I used to really love gaming, but my interests have sharply changed in the last decade, and honestly I can barely manage to conjure up the desire to finish anything. Maybe I'm mentally ill IDK. I really liked playing Fez over the last year or so, and that's it. Nothing else has really grabbed me (I did finish Journey and the Ori sequel though). Over the last year I've tried: Far Cry 1, Puzzle Quest, Faster than Light, and Cluster Truck. I really need help rekindling this once burning flame, or the embers will die out.
I used to fucking love RTS when I was a kid, Starcraft, Rome Total War, and Rise of Nations specifically. I think I own both of what you suggested, so maybe I should check that? IDK my mental health isn't great RN, so please forgive me for asking what I know is a dumb question. I'm trying to keep my mind occupied
I need to give the red alerts another play. I played them when I was like 10 and forgot about them.
tetris, mahjong, and pokemon are fun to play without thinking, have some depths to explore if you feel like it, free to play online, and require little effort (minus tetris idk)
I usually incorporate a gacha routine in my day to day life, rolling on a banner gives a little spark in the brain at least once a week, whichis cool, currently playing arknights with an emulator, a tower defense. again, free(2p), with some depths, but no gamer moves required,
recently bought raji on the switch, it seemed dope, it's like an indian tale with minimal gameplay afaik , but I'm like 1hour in, I think it would fit what you're asking for idk
I really need to learn Mahjong regardless of entertainment value. Kaiji awaits me. Fuck pokemon though, Nintendo has been phoning it in since Gen 3.
I tried FTL, and it seems fun. I just can't do the whole permadeath thing.
I tried Hollow Knight a couple times, but everything seems so needlessly difficult, I usually like games like that too. Do you have a suggestion similar to HK that won't just punish me for playing?
Yeah, the combat can be unforgiving. Once you get the hang, it's manageable. Ori and the blind forest was good, too
I loved the first Ori. The sequel is meh. I'll try HK again because you mentioned it though.
I definitely got dramatically better at it from grinding a few bosses, but it's possible to explore your way around a chuck of them and power up your stuff before doing the main story
Dead Cells is pretty good if you want more combat oriented. If you want a more chill experience the first Ori and Owlboy are neat.
I think I have Dead Cells and Owlboy in my steam library. I'm willing to give them a go-around until I get a job.
Disco Elysium is a great leftist RPG. The Chapo hosts are voice actors in it
Deus Ex is 97 cents right now https://www.gog.com/game/deus_ex
It seems GOG is having a sale at the moment, Pathologic Classic is $1.29 https://www.gog.com/game/pathologic_classic_hd
I own Deus Ex, but quit after I found out that the sniping option isn't stable. Is the whole game worth it?
the sniping option isn’t stable
what does that mean?
and yeah, it's worth playing to the end.
what does that mean?
You know how there's that wiggle when you use the scope? That's what I'm talking about. That shit pissed me off more than it should have.
the swaying lessens as you level up the rifle skill, and goes away completely if you level it all the way up https://youtu.be/48i0oK_0PWg?t=33
Knights of Pen and Paper wasn't bad for a $2 casual game to pick up and put down every couple of days.
On the "less casual, but surprisingly deep" side of things, Minecraft keeps adding shit constantly, and No Man's Sky is really damned good (especially compared to initial launch), if you can find it on sale. Diablo 3 is on sale frequently, and is great if you're into the whole endless clicky-action RPG thing. Also seconding the other recommendation for Civilization -- IV and V are both a lot of fun, but if you set your game speed to "marathon," you're going to be at it for a while. (Disclaimer: I haven't played enough of Civ VI to really get into it.)
I own both Diablo 3 and Civ 4 (also 5) and enjoyed them, maybe I should give them both a second try?
Couldn't hurt! Have you tried seasonal mode in Diablo 3? That game has come a long freaking way since initial launch.
No, but I should. I have a pile of games that I picked up and never finished.
Me too, comrade. Me too.
I somehow always end up firing up Skyrim or Stardew Valley for a couple of weeks and getting bored with it once I manage to hit some doofy goal that I set for myself (e.g., "get X achievement" or "kill Alduin with a Punch Cat build"). D3 seasons have been pretty fun lately, too. I'd forgotten my love/hate relationship with playing a LeapQuake barbarian, and I rolled a demon hunter just to try out the new Gears of the Dreadlands set, which was a freaking blast. Necro is a lot of fun right now, too; they buffed Corpse Explosion builds quite a bit, so you can get that whole Juche necromancy-meets-Ted Kaczynski vibe going.
The hardest part for me is literally ginning up the desire to even open the program. It doesn't help that the last time I tried to play something recent that I enjoyed (Doom 2016) my computer literally seized up and died. I got it fixed, and I still can't play it. Really puts a damper on my gaming desires.
going from what you said in this thread:
Gunpoint (and Heat Signature if you want more)
The Desolate Hope
Valley (is a more chill game)obviously this is assuming you have already played Portal
Master of Orion II for short-term, achievable goals.
Hammerfight has got some really satisfying combat.
If you got a buck I recommend getting game pass and trying out Spiritfarer. It's very low stakes but also very good.
If on PC Klei make some great games. Don't Starve and Oxygen Not Included come to mind. Don't Starve is one of my favorite games - you can get the base game (Reign of Giants) on sale most times for pretty cheap I think.
Is the first one any good? I have that on my steam account but haven't touched it.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I'm honestly a little surprised to not see any Square games mentioned. I will be playing most of what you recommended. Cheers