skip past the drama at the start to the part where he gets to mega banning this guy's account for sharing known CSAM and why it's definitely CSAM.

yes, Mutahar is a liberal and his takes about cops are annoying. and yes, he buried the lede.

  • AlicePraxis [any]
    6 个月前

    I always figured that most of these self-ascribed "pedo hunter" guys are projecting hard.

    Besides I can't imagine their methods of "pedo hunting" are of any consequence — most child abuse doesn't happen from creepy randos on the internet. Usually the abuser is someone the victim trusts, like a family member, a teacher, a religious leader, or a public figure with a large fanbase made up of children (like a YouTuber, for example...)

    • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
      6 个月前

      Pedo hunter content is just acceptable sadism and humiliation fetish videos, really.

      Wouldn't precisely call them two sides of the same coin but pedo hunters and other sadists like those monkey torture freaks absolutely see each other at the family reunion, so to speak.

      • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
        6 个月前

        Pedo hunter content is just acceptable sadism

        There's a who type of guy (well usually a guy) who will take any excuse to tell everyone in close proximity their very gory and detailed fantasies about what they would do to pedophiles. Hell the entire movie "The Human Centipede" was inspired by the directors fantasies about what he'd like to do to pedos. And to an extent I get it since pedophiles are absolute scum, but I think most times these guys aren't really all that motivated by empathy for the victims or a desire for brutal justice, but more because they just have very violent fantasies and pedophiles are the one group most everyone agrees merits that treatment. I've heard more than a few stories about guys like that turning out to be creeps in their own right, and even when they're not they are still very aggressive and offputting.

        While I get it I don't think it's a particularly healthy or productive impulse to indulge in. As despicable as pedophiles are I still think we live in a civilization that should try to punish people in balanced and humane ways and not give over to violent impulses, even when it's righteous.

        • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
          6 个月前

          My gut feeling is that if you satisfy what I believe are actual sadistic desires and pleasures with "justifiable" victims, then you are nearly always more likely to assume guilt when the possibility is presented so that you can indulge sadism again.

          You gotta be like extremely self aware and self controlled to not let desires like that slip and affect your everyday moral judgements, and even if you are capable of that, I think its blanket unethical and immoral to indulge sadism with real human suffering.

        • D61 [any]
          6 个月前

          Its more important to "hurt the bad guy" than to "help the victim".

    • silent_water [she/her]
      6 个月前

      yeah, this guy's MO, as I understand it, was to turn it into an ARG - frequently against innocent victims. this all started because he tried to clickbait his audience into going after a larger youtuber for... not responding to his DMs? idk, I can't be assed to watch hours about it to understand. he seems like a cloutgoblin who caught the truck.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      6 个月前

      They’re not of consequence. Cops always say that you shouldn’t do any of that shit because most of it is inadmissible in court. Especially when the “pedo hunters” get aggressive and start getting physical because their ego gets bruised over insults. They’re literally making communities more dangerous because they don’t go through official channels so prosecution becomes harder

  • ElGosso [he/him]
    6 个月前

    No bro it's just evidence bro please bro you gotta believe me

  • UltraGreen [comrade/them]
    6 个月前

    I can never escape the ever reaching power of mutahar. I never want to see this man's work, yet he somehow always finds a way to slip his "common sense centrist views" into my screens.

    • silent_water [she/her]
      6 个月前

      I know, I know, I wouldn't have linked it if he didn't definitively nail a creep to the post. I'm a filthy drama piggy and I need my slop.

      • UltraGreen [comrade/them]
        6 个月前

        No it's ok I don't mind seeing him lol. Just a little joke about him. He just seems to really have the algorithm figured out so I end up seeing him all the time.

        But yes, drama slop is good slop. I love living vicariously through people who make much worse mistakes than I.

        • silent_water [she/her]
          6 个月前


          I discovered /r/youtubedrama for when I need my slop fix and it's been great. I haven't found a fediverse equivalent yet but I simply click on the videos and don't talk about it there.

  • blakeus12 [he/him]
    6 个月前

    i remember he made a video called "north korea hacked my computer!" where he plugged a hard drive full of viruses into his computer and when he got a virus he kept referring to the TTS voice of the virus he just kept repeating "shut up kim! shut up kim!"

  • silent_water [she/her]
    6 个月前

    oh I forgot one of the wackier parts of this story - he started turning his youtube channel into a cult while "investigating" a cult. I'm going to be honest - it makes about as much sense as what I just said. somehow starting a cult brings... awareness?... to child-predating cults? like the only way this makes any sense to me is if I assume he's looking for victims.

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    6 个月前

    there’s not someone magical sitting behind a computer [reviewing illegal material]

    But there literally is lol. Facebook is notorious for having underpaid moderators manually reviewing CASM and gore and removing them and then not providing any mental healthcare. The same is happening with OpenAI, African workers are getting paid cents to review illegal material and given no healthcare.