
  • NeelixBiederman [he/him]
    8 months ago

    The klan really was ubiquitous, kinda crazy how we pretend america wasn't just a different flavor of fascism

    • WIIHAPPYFEW [he/him, they/them]
      8 months ago

      My mom remembers getting blocked from getting home from volleyball meets by their parades in suburban Austin in fucking ≈1986

      8 months ago

      Sun-maid and Sunkist growers co-ops had the KKK murder communists and agro labor strikers in the 1930s

      The Klan should be seen as an anti-communist organization and the leadership certainly thinks of itself this way.

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      8 months ago

      I feel like about 20 years ago libs could at least agree with us that the KKK were absolutely the objectively bad guys, and we should've capitalized on it and said that we ought to do them like we did the Nazis; today though libs are seriously running defense for members of the actual SS, so there's no way anyone's going to convince them to put their boot down on the KKK.

    • Sinistar
      8 months ago

      But if I point out to somebody that their grandparents probably deserved it everyone goes all "now's not the time" and kicks me out of the funeral.

      8 months ago

      What does a picture of the form have to do with being past racism? We’re definitely not, but it’s not like the post is op filling it out and signing it, and it seems to fit with the sub; “huh, an old kkk form, that’s mildly interesting.”

      The cop one is a lot more insidious and reeks of copaganda.

        8 months ago

        But it's okay to wheel this kind of shit out, rather than burning the papers and not publicizing that one had a Klansman grandfather? Nah, that's not okay by me; I'd be side-eyeing the whole bloodline from that point forward if I was cursed with the misfortune of knowing some bullshit like this about someone in my IRL orbit.

        Ten thousand people thought this was something worth magnifying, based on how upvotes are done on Reddit. That bugs me.

        • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
          8 months ago

          and it's like there was no redemption arc for it to be excused, there was no "oh and my grandpa stopped being racist and became friends with a bunch black activists and marched...etc" nah he just straight up said "my grandpa wanted to join the lynch black people organization" and 10k reddit wholesome boys went poggers over it.

          8 months ago

          How is he publicizing that fact? There is no identifying information in the post, and the posters account has essentially nothing identifiable. Further, someone has a racist grandfather and that's somehow their grandchilds fault? If the grandkid is also a piece of shit then that's fully understandable, but its not like someone can go back in time and control what organization their grandfather chose to align themselves with. You're acting like this person took a selfie with the application, or is going around in real life and showing everyone his grandfather was a member of the KKK. Yeah, that would be deranged, but that's not whats happening.

          Also magnifying? Really? I went through hundreds of comments and literally every single person was clowning on the KKK, that persons grandfather, or discussing aspects of the application that were funny or terrifying, such as the rank tiers, or the request to work with voter registration.

          Even the few dumbasses in the comments that try to sweep it under the rug by saying that the granddad had it because of "historical or educational" reasons were getting called out and blasted as idiots. The guy himself doesn't even try defend him, stating outright to people that tried to make up excuses that he was a racist piece of shit.

            8 months ago

            I'm not debating this with you. I'm emphasizing my disgust, both with the fact that this picture exists, and with crackers that feel the need to drag this shit out into the light of day-- and right now, I'm about disgusted with you too. I'm pretty sure I've told you to stay out of my inbox a couple fuckin' times, so hopefully, this time takes: stay the fuck out my inbox if you're gonna sit there and try to make my discomfort, disgust, and contempt for the necessity to post pictures of documentation, ergo, PUBLICIZE fuckin Klansmen as a point to fuckin debate.

            We are not cool, we're barely even comrades by dint of being in the same space. Stay out. Don't even respond. Just stay out. Because yeah; what it says to me when someone wheels out a family member's Klan cert, that tells me that one, the poster more often than not is whiter than the driven snow, that two, their bloodline is probably that way all the way up to colonial times, and that three, they probably have inordinate amounts of cracker shit still lurking in the back of their brain that they haven't even STARTED to process yet.

            So yeah. If I don't know someone well enough to have a read on them, and I see some shit like this, I'm judging them as a threat immediately. The fact that you conveniently just don't seem to get that tells me all I need to know to know that I am not interested in having this conversation further with you, or anyone who thinks it's a good idea to follow your example.

              8 months ago

              Jesus Christ. Block me then. You made a comment, and then explode when someone responds to it without immediately bowing down and worshiping every word you say like a gospel. I get there's a lot of history behind why you feel this way, and I'm not trying to minimize it though debate, but you can't just throw tangents out there and then act like someone threatened your life when they ask why you think that way. Which seems to be extreme assumptions and generalizations. That second paragraph is downright insane.

              Also thanks for acting like because I didn't kiss your ass or immediately call for the OP to be shot that mean I'm apparently a KKK sympathizer. The same group of deranged fucks that want me and my family dead for multiple reasons.

          8 months ago

          It is magnifying that we still have a long way to go and to pretend that kkkrackers were not slaughtering black people for entertainment in recent memory is worse than acknowledging the disturbing truth. Whether they agree with their grandparents is ambiguous because it could go either way.

          I agree though, they should have not posted this information in a neutral way. Being neutral towards racism perpetuates racism.

          An upvote could mean, yes this is important to recognize racism was alot worse in recent memory and we should rise to be better to create an egalitarian society. It could also mean "racism is based". That is the issue with being neutral on the issue.

        • theposterformerlyknownasgood
          8 months ago

          I'm pretty sure his grandparent is the black cop, based on the title. Which makes his grandfather a collaborators in racial violence, but it doesn't make him a literal kkk member.

    8 months ago

    I'm glad the group that murdered thousands of innocent black people is such a laughing matter to these fucks.

      8 months ago

      They weren’t impacted, and anything earlier then 1995 is ancient history to liberals.

      It’s the same thing with Nazi memorabilia. It’s all in “good fun” for them.

      • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
        8 months ago

        The lib I work with insists on contextualizing everything I say in regards to our country's shady recent past with 'it sounds like the government was terrible back then' or 'so this was in the past'; literally like clockwork every time I mention any of the well documented stuff versus the stuff happening today for which we'll probably have better compiled info in another decade or two (not to say we don't have a decent amount of knowledge about it already, just not necessarily compiled as well).

      8 months ago

      Did you find people laughing about it in the thread? Or do you just mean by the post titles alone

    8 months ago

    White AmeriKKKa being white AmeriKKKa- wonder how many of the "wholesome KKK grandpa" crowd had KKK relatives or grandparents of their own, when at their height, there's estimated to have been 4-6 million official Klansmen in the US in the 1920s, and that's not counting all their no doubt similarly racist wives, and the widespread political influence they had in regional governments, police departments, etc. and the fact Klan propaganda and support was so widespread, Birth of a Nation was even the first film screened at the white house. A large chunk of the country no doubt is going about with not just heaps of skeletons, but fresh corpses as well, rotting in the closet while pretending their hands are clean.

    • Bury The
      8 months ago

      If you go traveling deep into rural US communities today it is not all different then from the days where the Klan was at it's height. Confederate flags, Christian nationalism, bombastic and racist slogans plastered everywhere. The Klan aesthetic got dropped but it's essence remains alive and well.

  • casskaydee [she/her]
    8 months ago

    more anti white cringe posting huh lol

    Edit: if it isn't clear, this is me making fun of the contrarian backlash to posts like this that rightly make fun of racist crakkkers

  • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    Presumably posted in reaction to someone recently finding a membership form of the KKK in his grandpa's stuff. Of course, the obligatory reaction of the I disagree with what you say, but will fight for your right to say it kind

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      8 months ago

      I know this is the mildly interesting subreddit, but one thing I found hilarious is how there's a history subreddit for supposedly cool historical pictures whose reactionary users call left wing; I tried posting pics of Vietnamese revolutionaries but they got auto-blocked, whereas pics in praise of the invading war criminals was entirely fine.

      Oh yeah, definitely far left.

    • mar_k [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Remind that free speech absolutism wasn't America's thing until 1969, and it took a KKK leader being criminally charged for calls of genocide for that to happen

      Clarence Brandenburg was charged by the state of Ohio for calling for a mass ethnic cleansing of black and Jewish people and SCOTUS came in to say his "rights were violated by Ohio's statue" and that "abstract advocacy of violence cannot be punished." Brandenburg v Ohio became landmark precedent for the most extreme interpretation of the first amendment and is the only reason previous rulings infringing on socialists and anti-war activists' free speech were overturned