Who would have thought that spending most of your show with your main character wandering aimlessly in the desert, and most of the rest of it being spent with a character from a much better show, would make for a really shitty unfocused story with no stakes or interesting characters? They didn't even try, man. They spend millions on these things and they didn't even try.

They try and build it up like he's protecting people he's come to know and respect but literally everyone he builds a relationship with dies except for the Cyberpunk kids. Maybe they should have spent time developing the people instead of doing, idk, an episode of Pimp My Ride with the Mandalorian????

At least the Mandalorian had a fun adventure vibe to it, but BoBF is just watching a fat old man fail miserably at being a crime lord. He's all like "don't worry about the other gangs, I made a deal where they pinky promised not to double-cross me and side with the guys who they directly told me have made them incredibly wealthy". DUMBASS! I could run a better crime syndicate.

  • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
    3 years ago

    The Mandalorian was basically just a western in space, just a cool looking badass wandering around getting bounties looking after a baby that he didnt want to watch out for, which was cool for a season.

    They should just make Space Bonanza or Space Virginian or Space Gunsmoke and focus on like one town in Tatooine and the big episode of the season would have stakes like "Oooh there's a jedi in town and bounty hunters are going to follow them, what do we do?", and the normal episodes would be like "The Empire wants their tax money, but we don't have any. Also they tried to fuck around in the bar and got their shit pushed in, oh dear how do we explain this away."

    Getting real tired of them putting the Skywalker family into everything :sadness:

  • Crowtee_Robot [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Trash show for a trash character. Boba Fett has only ever been about looking badass.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      3 years ago

      What if he dies? He's worth a lot to me.

      The Empire will compensate you if he dies.

      Fett was so hypothetically badass that Darth Vader treated him with deference. That said he got ruined in Return of the Jedi, he either needed a knock down drag out "hero vs The Muscle" type fight or to just not be in the movie at all.

      • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
        3 years ago

        I'm convinced that Boba Fett was supposed to be a joke that the fans didn't get.

        Like, The Empire Strikes Back goes out of its way hyping him up as a threat by having stuff like Darth Vader explicitly tell him "No disintegrations."

        So you have this is a guy that is too violent even by the standards of Darth Vader.

        But he dies in a purposely comedic way in the very next film.

  • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
    3 years ago

    boba fett's show should've been him falling into that tentacle pit after getting owned by a fuking delirious & half blind han solo

    and then he gets digested. this could be a single episode.

    i'll never forgive the fanboys for hyping up a glorified extra with a neat costume this much

  • kristina [she/her]
    3 years ago

    the last fight lacked any sensibility just a bunch of dudes hiding behind a single speeder (which hovers so its not even full cover). really funny

    mando carried the show. i thought they were gonna do something cool with the tuskans but apparently not

    also the cyberpunk speeder gang is SO OUT OF PLACE me n the bf guffawed every time they were on

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I haven't even seen new Star Wars content since Solo came out, but each successive piece of media that Disney released since The Force Awakens made me wonder if Star Wars was ever any good. Like maybe it always sucked this hard. With the sole exception of Rogue One. Which is not a good movie, but I feel like it has the bones of a good movie*. And after I saw Solo I just realized that they were never going to put out Star Wars content I would like, so I stopped. I've watched a few clips of Mando and Boba and it's just reinforced my decision, it seems like the scripts for these shows are trash. Part of that is me becoming a hard-to-please weirdo as I get older, but not all of it. Like, there's only one way I would ever enjoy an Obi-wan show, but no one else would. In my imagination Obi-Wan spends his 20 years in the desert doing nothing. He sits around and meditates, he watches over Luke, he does not get involved with the locals because getting involved in anything could lead to Vader finding Luke. So any media about Obi-Wan would have to be an introspective character piece, maybe throw in some psychedelic Force visions or something for flavor. An old man toddles around the desert, learns the mysteries of the Force, and tries to deal with his immense grief and trauma. But Disney's never going to make that show, and they'd be crazy to because obviously a show like that could never make them money. But also it'd be a risk, and Disney's not going to take risks. Why should they? No one else is, really. It's easier to just release pablum to the masses.

    *There have been exactly two good pieces of Star Wars media released since 2015 that I have seen. They are: Twilight Company by Alexander Freed, a military SF novel mostly about a company of Rebel fighters on the fringe of the conflict, and the novelization of Rogue One also by Alexander Freed, which elevates a mediocre movie into being pretty good character-driven SF. I do feel like to get the most out of Rogue One you need to read the prequel novel Catalyst by James Luceno, but Luceno's just not an especially good writer. Competent, I suppose, but his books always seem a little lifeless to me.

  • Deadend [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Boba Fett gets less cool the he does on screen.

    Knowing he's a sad boy clone of his father who didn't have any friends and died before really training Boba makes him less cool.

    His appearance in Mandalorian - not bad, but not great.

    Making him the focus of a TV series? That isn't just "The Mandalorian but a Bastard"? I was bored during the first episode and stopped watching.

  • Weedian [he/him]
    3 years ago

    they realized the show was boring so they put baby yoda on the screen because everyone loves him. This show and mando are hilariously predictable so I enjoy when I mock the show and it comes true.

  • AtomPunk [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Yah I feel like The Mandalorian stole some of the thunder from this show but I haven’t seen it yet lol. Fett’s appearance in Mando was underwhelming, and the shiny armor looks cooler than boba fett’s.

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
    3 years ago

    The pyke syndicate are a stand in for the Chinese, they fit to the racist westerner's stereotype of Chinese people, slanted eyes, diminutive stature, exotic, flowing robes, high-technology. Its a sign of the times, the fear of China's steady physical and economic encroachment into western territories mirroring the pyke syndicate's encroachment into the economy of tatooine. This is probably reaching tho lmao

    The fucking show sucked too, the action made no sense whatsoever, no tactical awareness displayed on either side in any fight that went on for more than 2 minutes. It was all nostalgia bait and self referential slop, as expected of a neoliberal economy.

  • ChestRockwell [comrade/them, any]
    3 years ago

    The thing is, there's an interesting story buried there. So go down a what if with me....

    Spoilers of course

    What if, instead of having him go back to jabbas Palace and try to be a crime lord they had him try to live the quiet life with the tuskens longer. So instead of doing the silly flashback chronology, just commit to making it happen before he meets Mando. So you spend an episode or two with the tuskens, but instead of cross cutting to him pretending to be crime lord, you commit to basically doing the plot from God of war ps4. So he's become a nobody living with them.

    But then, instead of doing the dumb misdirect with the bikers and stuff, commit to the thing they tried to do at the end of the last episode. Make him going back to killing a big deal. Instead of being just one moment in some big dumb battle, make him going back to killing an actual event. This could also actually motivate the desire to rule, because he's seen what letting things be led to.

    However, this would mean a smaller show and committing to a consistent character arc, instead of the "sometimes he's good sometimes hes bad" shit. Would have required making the blue guy the guy who killed the tuskens, not just the rando pykes. Also killing him should have been way grittier. Honestly like the way fennic strung up the mayor in that little coda.

    What's sad is the characters that are western inspired are great. I loved the blue dude and Cobb vanth or whatever Oliphants chara is. The final episode just got too busy, so ironically the most resonant story beats were the ones for Mando characters (even Amy sedaris) instead of boba himself.


    Everything before the timeline catches up with where we met boba in Mando had potential. Everything after sucked. Blue dude and Tim oliphant were wasted.

    • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
      3 years ago

      I have no clue why it wasn't Bane who killed the Tuskens. That was genuinely one my thoughts when it was over.

      If you watch Clone Wars you know what's going on but otherwise he's just some guy.

      • ChestRockwell [comrade/them, any]
        3 years ago

        Yeah I need to watch clone wars sometime.

        But like, why wasn't he introduced sooner. It's so weird. They bring him in one episode before they off him. Just... Why?

      • Rojo27 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yeah, that was one of the weirdest decisions. Bane keeps on mentioning it to Fett and he gets mad at him... yet he isn't the one that killed them. The fact that Fennec is the one that ends up offing the Pyke leader makes it even more awkward.

    • kristina [she/her]
      3 years ago

      living with the tusks and doing a mao surrounding the cities from the countryside woulda been neat :sadness:

    • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I think the only reason they did the whole become a crime lord shit, is because that's what he does in the legends material they're cannibalising.

      In a bunch of those, Boba Fett climbs out of the Sarlak and returns you Jabba's palace expecting Jabba to still be alive. He just sorta becomes the new boss when his reputation as a tough shooty man means all Jabba's old cronies think he'd make a good replacement.

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The structure of the show was all fucked up. They should have make the Tusken flashback all one episode. Then develop him as a crime lord and build up the conflict with the Pyke Syndicate and the relationships with whoever he was going to ally with. Then finish off with the big ol' fight.

    Of course I don't necessarily think the plot was all that interesting overall anyway. Fett having the desire to become a crime lord? Really? His reasoning was just so dumb too.

  • regularassbitch [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I thought it was cute and fun because I don't expect star wars to be anything but a container for cool action scenes and somewhat boring exposition. that's literally all it's been my entire life and for probably the entire duration of its existence. literally just sit there and do the :so-true: face every time you're supposed to and it gets way more enjoyable

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    3 years ago

    What im confused by is that the Mandalorian had a hot lead actor and they were pretty dedicated to keeping him masked, but then Boba Fett has a lead actor that looks like an egg and I see so many screencaps where he is just standing around without his helmet on, looking like a boiled egg and not very cool.

    • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
      3 years ago

      no temura morrison is an alphachad too, its good we could see his face when sigma fett was murdering chad bane, filled with an explosive, murderous rage

      • dinklesplein [any, he/him]
        3 years ago

        no temura morrison is an alphachad too, its good we could see his face when sigma fett was murdering chad bane
