• happybadger [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Being against domestic enemies is a nice euphemism for being an abuser. He's like Abraham Lincoln but instead of leading a war against slavery he just screams at children until they throw ball good.

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Me pimped out in full tacticool gear, ready to slay the enemies of the nation.

      The enemies of the nation: some poor people in a third world country who can't even place America on a map, barely heard of it and yet have to survive their soldiers, have no idea what wokism or any of that weird internet lingo is, are entirely content to live in their little town and never leave ever, and are content to only know like about 100 people 90% of whom are also permanent residents of their town. Yeah these guys right here? America is in sooooo much danger from.

      I don't want to minimize the folks from different parts of the world, but the reality is there's a lot of really poor people in extremely humble living conditions who are content to just be happy with their families and to live in peace, and yet to hear the vicious murderous rhetoric coming from modern day orcs towards them as though our future depends on annihilating these people is depressing and frustrating.