• NotAnOp [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Lord Mickey arrives in his carriage at your modest hut. "I sure hope he doesn't need any more Mouse Bucks," you think as the carriage door opens.

    Lord Mickey steps down from his carriage onto a bent over servant, then onto the ground, where he finally examines you and your humble abode. He is visibly disgusted.

    "HaHa, kneel serf. Your Lord has arrived." Mickey extends his hand out in front of you, waiting for your submissive kneel and ring kiss. You deliver both with the expertise that comes from countless hours practicing in the mirror. As you avert your eyes, you manage to muster enough courage to speak, "What brings you here today, muh Lord?"

    "HaHa, silence. I have come to collect dues to Mouse Kingdom, immediately, haHa." Mickey says after jerking his gloved hand from you.

    "But muh Lord, there must be a mistake. I have paid my dues, I even pay extra for the "No Shake Downs Package!" As you appeal in earnest, he averts his gaze from you towards the ground and surrounding landscape.

    "The Mouse does not make mistakes, haHa! These are new dues shareholders implemented yesterday, but are retroactive for the previous year, haHa."

    "But, I can't pay! I have no more Mouse Bucks after the last payments." You continue to plead, appealing to his humanity, but he is a Mouse.

    "I am a fair Mouse, haHa. Your wife, is quite lovely, is she not? The kingdom speaks highly of her beauty, haHa. If you cannot pay, then I must implement Noctem Recompensatio, haHa, as is my right."

    You sigh and hang your head in defeat. "As is your right, muh Lord."

    "HaHa, then it's settled!" He snaps his fingers, moments later one of the servants hands you a polka-dot dress and white clogs.

    "Have her wear this, haHa, and tell her to arrive at Mouse House by no later than 7! Toodles!"

    Another day in the magical Mouse Kingdom.