I thought EU meant European Union, but maybe people use it to just mean EUrope?
It does, and they do. It's also funny when companies have region options and one of them is Europe, which is denoted by a flag of the European Union.
I've heard people claim the UK left Europe after Brexit
Me too. People who I considered relatively intelligent too.
Second time now officials in Ukraine have referred to Russians as "orcs". The first was those azov freaks.
I've heard it used a lot on the chechen muslims be they soldiers or not
Literally none of the comments are pointing it out. It's just Liberal YASing all the way down.
Since Liberals don't care about buddying up with Nazis, said Nazis don't feel any shame in acting like Nazis.
Everytime they call bs on Putin's "denazification" excuse, they drop shit like this. Makes me think the "Nazis don't have a big influence in Ukraine" is just pure bs at this point. You don't use Nazi language or tolerate Nazis without being one.
You don’t use Nazi language or tolerate Nazis without being one.
That's like what keeps happening with the liberals. "Dude shut the fuck up, don't say or do nazi things so we can keep your funding and training going, please!". And they keep doing it anyway, lol.
Now that the entire west is voicing support, they're comfortable going full mask off I guess. I doubt this will even be mentioned in western media
Cool. I'm rooting for Russia wholeheartedly now. And by wholeheartedly I mean by saying "eh" when I hear about this war rather than going "OhhhNOOOOA EVIL GOMMUNISM WAEEEREEDERR" like everyone else in the US rght now.
Love how Ukrainian propaganda is the number one thing that pushes me towards supporting Russia. And then I have to tell myself that putin is an oligarch who came to power due to the collapse of the ussr.
If Putin wins Ukraine's already terrible civil rights situation is going to get much, much worse. Recall that you can get arrested in Russia for standing outside with a blank sign in protest. Even "Denazification" will probably be used as an excuse to purge anyone the RF finds politically undesirable, which will almost certainly include commies, anarchists, and other left wing organizations.
Ukraine has already been purging leftists for eight years now.
And Russia will likely purge them if it decides to occupy parts of Ukraine and engage in an intense counter-insurgency operation.
Excuse for purging left wing? Mate, Ukraine hasn’t had a left wing since 8 years ago since the purge. The fact that the two brother got kidnap still hasn’t heard news about them is concerning
The constant demand that everybody support and prioritize Ukraine is definitely getting to me. It has me instinctively dropping "fuck Ukraine" in the same way I'll instinctively drop "fuck America" every few minutes, or whenever it comes up.
Both sides suck ass. Ukraine is just so much more obnoxious because libs are falling on their knees in admiration while Ukrainian officials keep talking about how much they respect their actual capital-N Nazi comrades and want to systematically exterminate Russians.
It's secretly a self own because orcs,be they dnd or lotr or whatever, are way cooler than any sort of European.
Is that megathread for evidence of racism still going? Was it just for western media?
No, it can and should be in general. Still seeing some fucking apologists even on here, although it’s blessedly rare.
I am going to beat the shit out of anyone who tries to compare this Ukrainian nazi shit to the IRA. Including the Pogues.
It's funny because British intelligence used Neo-Nazis as catspaws, knowing that the Neo-Nazis would randomly attack and murder civilians. The British Media could then point to the random nature of the Nazi attacks to say that the IRA-UK conflict was just a bunch of random terrorist massacres instead of an armed political struggle. British Intelligence, in typical British Intelligence fashion, viewed unchecked civilian deaths as a desirable tool for propaganda.
https://twitter.com/JonMarcStanley/status/1496626558437576704 closest you'll get
God that shit is depressing. The IRA responded to Blue shirts "honoring" the Rising as a catholic supremacist event by threatening to fuck them up if they marched on the anniversary. The Blue Shirts didn't show, go figure.
Donetsk is the similarity to the IRA, if nothing else
If it makes you feel better, CPI belfast's twitter is on point about this shit none-stop https://twitter.com/BelfastBranch
Unrelated question. Where did that "They're making orcs" joke come from that I here some people quote
I think it was a chapo episode where they were talking about vaccine conspiracies
Orc as an insult is actually quite old, ex: norks aka North Koreans
To be fair, that's more akin to western liberals comparing everything to Marvel and Harry Potter rather than pure racism...
To be fair, that’s more akin to western liberals comparing everything to Marvel and Harry Potter rather than pure racism…
Go look up the history of fascist / racist anti-russian propaganda. It almost always reduces down into talking about how they’re
(CW: racist trope)
“asiatic hordes” . The euro-fash anxiety from Russia spanning across parts of both Europe and Asia is really pathetic.
Yeah, but this is more related to culture and the place LOTR stuff takes in it rather than making a link to the Asiatic hordes thrope. This one is exactly the same as if a western lib said "Russians are death eaters and Putin is Voldemort"...
Eidt: that said "orcs" can definitely be used in a racist context, it frequently is applied like that against Roma people
No it’s not. This is from Ukraine’s defense minster. He knows what he is doing and if he doesn’t, then he should be shot.
Orcs in LOTR are based on that trope anyway.
Yes, he knows what he is doing. LOTR has a particular spot in Eastern European culture, that, as I said, in the West is fulfilled by say Harry Potter.
Also, I'm afraid orcs are not explicitly based on that thrope, and if anything are more often presented as a classist caricature of British working class. If any racism is present it is not by explicit design of Tolkien.
ok debate nerd. I’m off to go shoot some British soldiers in the face
Disengaging, don’t reply to me.
Orcs are non-humans who are always evil without exception and, in the text, are killed mercilessly in every situation in which they are encountered. Calling people orcs is explicitly and intentionally dehumanizing. In the statement the guy strips the Russians of their human status as Slavic people and declares them un-human.
Basic nationalist genocide pep talk.
no there is a key difference in that he's talking about race of people