Why yes, there is a vast world devouring monster with its tendrils encircling all of us, and it's plainly visible once you notice it, and it's everywhere. But you come off as insane when you try to tell other people about it.

Is SCP-3125 an allegory for capitalism? Shit.

  • SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Don't have anything too insightful to add except that I relate to this post a lot. It gets extremely alienating feeling like the people around you are basically children raised by a deeply evil cult (my words not yours ofc), and that you have also been raised by this same cult and that you therefore can't even really trust yourself or your ostensible comrades who "should" know better. Obviously a big part of me also thinks this shit is changeable and that political education via mass working class movements is very much possible otherwise I wouldn't be here and I'd just check out politically. But in the current moment of capitalist realist victory? Yeah it sucks feeling so deeply alienated from not only nearly everyone around you, but also your own psyche given the hostile, anti-human life socioeconomic environment that's shaped everyone.