It's socialism or barbarism, folks. It's increasingly likely we as a species aren't going to get our shit together fast enough to stop our planet from warming 2 degrees, which will have catastrophic effects on sea level rise, food security, and general habitability of vast swaths of populated places.

I spend a lot of time on /r/collapse reading news and discussion to remind me that I'm not the only one freaking out about this. More importantly though, I'm thinking about how to structure my life and prepare in the coming years as shit gets much, much worse.

How are you all coping?

  • MasterCombine [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I mostly just try not to think about it or console myself with the assurance that Socialism will win, one way or another. And I try to remain determined to do what I can to help bring that future about.

    Getting blackpilled is the worst thing you could do, no matter how bleak things look.