• GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
    1 year ago

    i too had a history teacher who went on wild tangents with the smallest provocation

    he was a stinking lib though sadness

    • Adkml [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I had a class with what was the stereotype of a college professor chuds complain about.

      Was some gen Ed credit like "culture language and hummanity" that was basically him being a reddit atheist lib about every current topic.

      We were supposed to "keep a journal" for the whole course for our final grade.

      Finals week I went through all his power points and paraphrased them as my "journal"

      He had me come I to his office to congratulate me and tell me I had thenoutlinenof a book lol.

      Libs love hearing their own thoughts quoted back at them.

    • raven [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I had a history prof go on a class long tangent about how communists were evil because Marx said religion is the opiate of the masses. I, being a cringe atheist at the time thought "damn that's cool af, this Marx guy is spitting" and I think that was the general consensus of the class.

      Geography professor however started day one with a lecture on why Mercator, and most other map projections are racist, and told us that he wasn't listening to any complaints about saying that from anyone white.