Anybody know the full story?
The wrecker discord used a bug to gain admin privileges and banned people
They said they had a mole, but the tech comrades called bullshit on itIt would seem as though the wreckers banned a trans admin and a slew of trans mods after claiming we're 'transphobic'. Weird, huh? lmfao 👀 👀 👀
YOU want to die on the hill that John Wick is actually persian. be gone
I mean maybe if I didn't get banned just for bringing it up I could actually provide the proof. If it's so conclusive that it's not what I say it is the mods could just let me embarrass myself.
the proof that john wick came from egypt?? sure go ahead freak
If its the same pictures from a month ago, you're shit outta luck, they've been debunked over and over again
In other words they did some QA/pen testing for the collective and the holes have been plugged ;)
They claimed they did on the discord, but I trust the tech comrades know what they're talking about
Hmm who do we trust, the wreckers or our tech comrades? Truly a dilemma
Appreciate it comrade, discord is a bit too new and confusing for me though
wreckers can kindly fuck off
nobody cares about discord drama bullshit, and we don't need even an iota of infighting on the left if you're actually on it
See the thing is I'm sleep deprived and uninformed enough to not only not know if you're joking, but also not understand any of what you just said
the real reason is discord drama that will never be deciphered, so I am taking it upon myself to change the narrative to this
Your explanation does make more sense than what I've heard of the discord, I think I prefer it tbh
No this is the truth, and the site went down so we could purge all the comments about john wick.