I've seen a bunch of conflicting reports regarding this. Some propaganda outlets are like "they're killing cats and dogs and people are throwing themselves out of building" but I've also heard reports from more reasonable people that they indeed fucked up some of the lockdown measures.

Does anybody have some (reliable) info? Did they resolve the supply chain issues and how many people were affected anyway?

  • AlyxMS [he/him]
    2 years ago

    There's no reliable sources info right now, unfortunately. Here's what I've heard from being in Shanghai:

    Killing cats and dogs: There's one case of a dog getting killed. No details so far. Likely more case than one, have not looked into them. I've heard multiple times of pet owners living alone tested positive being taken to quarantine sites and had to leave their pets at home. (With food and water, yes. But the pets are unlikely to be able to take care of themselves for at least 14 days)

    People throwing themselves out of building: Not heard of it once. Likely bullshit.

    What's the real problem is people are having problems keeping their fridges stocked until recently. In the first couple weeks of lockdown, the incompetent Shanghai gov could not handle the logistics of a city wide lockdown. Trucks and trucks of food are either denied to enter the city or the food rotted away before it's anywhere near the people. Food price got marked up to 200%-400% compared to normal, and some don't even have the chance to buy food at inflated prices.

    The food situation is rapidly improving in the past few days. Heard some of the Shanghai gov got replaced, not sure if true. It's likely to be solved within a week or two.

    Another thing that been happening is there's no established way to get critical medicine like insulin. People have to rely on a neighbor who knows a friend who have a cousin who knows someone with a vehicle pass who could get the medicine delivered to them. Heard they've opened a few more hospitals to handle situations like this yesterday. Hope it gets better. Had I not bought 3 months of meds by luck before the lockdown, would've suffered too.