Thank you @SeventyTwoTrillion for all your effort. :sankara-salute:

Old Map for reference

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Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict

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  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]M
    2 年前

    We're back to our regularly scheduled programming.


    • Russia's Central Bank says that 39% of its foreign currency reserves is now either gold or Yuan.
    • Sri Lanka announces that it has defaulted on all its external debts.
    • German inflation in March was 7.3%, the highest rate in 40 years.
    • European Police Agency announces Operation Oscar, which is helping EU countries detect Russian assets that fall under sanctions.
    • Moldovagaz has sent a request to Gazprom to extend the audit period for Moldova's historical debts. The previously agreed protocol must be signed before May 1st, or the natural gas supply to Moldova will be halted; they want an extension.
    • Four brands from India have signed agreements on the opening of shopping centers in Russia, and six more contracts are expected this week; selling clothing, household goods, etc. They will open 15-20 stores in the next 6 months.
    • Nokia withdraws from the Russian market.
    • White House warns of "extraordinarily elevated" inflation data.

    Diplomatically and Politically:

    • The US and India have signed an agreement to jointly develop unmanned aerial vehicles, and by the end of 2022, they will launch active cooperation in the space sector between military departments. :both-sides:?
    • Pro-russian demonstrations continue, this time in Germany, where its Russian-speaking population demand an end to the discrimination they're facing.
    • Another pro-Russian demonstration by Serbian fans at FC Crvena Zvezda.
    • Putin says there is "no doubt that the goals and objectives of the operation in Ukraine will be fulfilled"
    • Putin also says that Russia is resuming the lunar program (this was already evident based on their agreement with China on a joint lunar base in the 2030s), and also that to expand their cooperation with Belarus, that a Belarusian cosmonaut will go to space.
    • Georgian authorities will visit Kiev if and only if: the Ukrainian ambassador is sent back to Tbilisi; to stop accusing Georgia of smuggling weapons to Russia; and to exclude the presence of the leaders of the Georgian opposition in high positions in Ukraine.
    • The former Deputy Prime Minister of Georgia is fighting in Ukraine alongside 400 mercenaries from Georgia.
    • Ukraine nationalizes 8 Russian cargo ships and 2 Russian tankers in Odessa.
    • Antony Blinken says that the US is monitoring rise in human rights abuses in India. Not that India doesn't have human rights abuses obviously, like jesus it's bad, but it's so fucking funny and predictable of the US at this point.
    • Footage during the Pakistan protests last night of the US flag being burned.
    • Zelensky gives Hero of Ukraine award to a captain of Right Sector.
    • A bill is submitted by the majority party in Russia (Putin's party) authorizing the external management of foreign companies that announced their withdrawal from the Russian market.


    • Russia opens up rehabilitation and education centers for Russian soldiers wounded during the invasion, for those who wish to continue to be soldiers after recovering.
    • Russia captures British armored personnel carriers, AT105s, decommissioned by the UK in 2008 and then delivered to Ukraine in 2015.
    • Ukrainian shell hits a field in Shabelskoye, which is across the Sea of Azov from Mariupol. No casualties.
    • Videos of the Russian military heading to the frontline.

    Eastern Ukraine:

    • Russians clear mines in Donbass.
    • DPR's Basurin: "If they don't surrender, Ukraine will lose its entire army and the issue of demilitarization would be resolved by 90%" due to the coming formation of the cauldron; there's an estimated 100,000 Ukrainian troops on that front.

    Southern Ukraine:

    • A hundred more Ukrainians surrender in Mariupol.
    • DPR announces the total capture of the Mariupol seaport.
    • Photos and videos of the DPR using artillery to fire on Azov, now that there are no civilians or residential areas at real risk.
    • An attempted Ukrainian breakthrough in Mariupol, where 1500 soldiers tried to leave the city. The attempt was blocked, and some were destroyed, others surrendered.
    • An intercepted phonecall between a British mercenary and his friend, as the mercenary states that he cannot escape, having already tried to escape in civilian clothes, and will probably be used for some "bullshit propaganda". It's very unfortunate that literally nothing could have stopped this person from joining up with Ukrainian neo-Nazis. Truly a situation where there were no right choices. How sad.
    • Azov claims that Russia used chemical weapons in Mariupol.
    • Russian navy destroying Ukrainian drones.
    • Mariupol's (ex?) mayor claims that Russia is incinerating the bodies of thousands of civilians killed by shelling, with mobile cremato... hey, wait a second, you've already used that one! Get new material!
    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      2 年前

      Great write up as always. :fidel-salute:

      An intercepted phonecall between a British mercenary and his friend, as the mercenary states that he cannot escape, having already tried to escape in civilian clothes, and will probably be used for some “bullshit propaganda”.

      Honestly what did these guys expect to happen?

      If you're there because you're happy to join Nazi groups & fight to the bitter end then I feel like surrendering to the Russians as your country will no doubt do what it can to ensure you're not killed isn't the terrible outcome you deserve.

      If you're there because you're deluded enough by the propaganda to LARP as a freedom fighter in someone else's war & finding out the hard way about the horrors of it, then I'd think what the Nazis who have no allegiance to you might do would be scarier than having some picture of your surrender go viral on Russian social media.

      Either way, :fuck-around: I guess.

      • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
        2 年前

        Honestly what did these guys expect to happen?

        Something something fascists are incapable of understanding the strength of their enemies? They are as delusional if not more than libs and thought Russian soldiers would be scared and run away the moment they saw an American/Brit in full battle gear.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        2 年前

        Russia consider foreign combatants to be mercenaries and not prisoners of war. As such this British Nazi can look forward to a really fun time serving a lengthy sentence in a Russian or Donetskoye jail, that is if he's not extradited to Syria to face charges for war crimes he's suspected of doing there.

        :fuck-around: indeed.

      • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]M
        2 年前

        :sankara-salute: :kim-salute: :chavez-salute:

        born to die
        world is a fuck
        72,000,000,000,000 dead cops

    • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
      2 年前

      The US and India have signed an agreement to jointly develop unmanned aerial vehicles, and by the end of 2022, they will launch active cooperation in the space sector between military departments.

      India always wanted to emulate China and do their own thing by syphoning money from western investments, the problem is they are some 30 years late to the party. This is true for the rest of BRICS, Russia has an opportunity now but Brazil/India/SA are all fucked and hopelessly behind the times. They all had their chances in the early 2000s and blew it.

      They all want the same results of being friendly with the west and using US investment to build up like China, but for obvious reasons the capitalist class in those countries are not interested in building productive forces but rather only to continue to make as much money as possible by remaining export economies, specialy Brazil, Lula's government was a severe blunder in this respect.

      Ultimately it wont work for dozens of different reasons but my favorite one is the path of capitalist building of productive forces is a dead end if you get to a certain level before everything goes to shit.

      Climate change will result in the end of the global economy, China was lucky to have started over 30 years ago or else we would be talking about the failures of SCC and they are too also running out of time between WW3 and climate change.

    • AverageUlyanovFan [any]
      2 年前

      Russia’s Central Bank says that 39% of its foreign currency reserves is now either gold or Yuan.

      Wait, wasn't it higher before?

      Also the Central Bank has rolled back the ban on selling currency to individuals on 8th and it seems that the ruble exchange rate has been growing back up, albeit not catastrophically.

      • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]M
        2 年前

        To the first point: possibly, there's a lot of information going around and I've noticed a lot of back and forth and rehashing on some points. Not only military stuff (how much has the DPR actually liberated in Mariupol? one day you get the news that they're totally captured a key area and raised the flag over it, then the day after you get news that there's heavy fighting, then you get news that it's 70% captured, etc) but also on the ruble-for-gas thing which was its whole saga. At this point I'm getting wiser to it and doing the best I can to predict in advance what is embellishment and what isn't, but things still fall through the gaps.

        To the second point: yep, there was a lot of celebration about the ruble going to like 75-72 rubles to dollar and then the ban lifted and it went up to like, 85ish? Although maybe different currency websites give different numbers, it's very confusing to me. Either way, while it's still a bit volatile, the worst is definitely behind it, provided there's no more massive moves by Russia, like invading Finland or something.

    • ethereal_wave [he/him]
      2 年前

      German inflation in March was 7.3%, the highest rate in 40 years.

      oh no.