20 or 30 homeless people camped in the parking lot of an unoccupied office building. They had had been there for a little over a month. As I was leaving for work this morning 6 cop cars turned the corner. When I got back, there was yellow tape everywhere and all the tents were in a pile waiting to be loaded into a garbage truck.

How can we destroy these monsters? What hope is there? What good am I that I did nothing to stop any of it?

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    11 months ago

    luau qin-shi-huangdi-fireball

    If you tried to go in alone they'd have arrested or killed you. It's not something we can do alone. There have been successful defenses of camps, either to give people time to get their stuff together and get out, or to really hold off the cops for a long time, months. It's possible. You need to add your strength to the strength of others, find an org or affiliance group or something doing camp defense. Hell, talk to folks in the camp, give them your number and tell them to call you when the pigs show up and you'll help them pack up and get out. We can fight these monsters. It's going to be long and miserable and painful, but we've won before and we'll win again. Even if they kill us all, the next generation will fight them because our ideas and ideals arise naturally from human compassion in the face of oppression. There's no end to history. There is no final victory, for them or for us. The struggle goes on. Countless millions stand behind us, holding us up, giving us examples of how to fight, and we will provide that inspiration for countless millions to come

    Take heart; our goal is beautiful, and no matter how much blood they spill the pigs can't sully that. It will shine on through time and history.