The leaked draft opinion on abortion is an op by both parties to redirect public attention to social issues and away from increasingly dire material conditions, so that those things are not on the ballot in Nov. Thank you for coming to my tik tok


Edit: women's healthcare is part of material conditions. Self crit and bad take. I'll do better comrades.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      2 years ago

      not having the money to travel out of state for an abortion is also a material condition. trans rights are in large parts a material issue, too - for example, a lot of my American trans comrades have to struggle with horrible, acutely life-threatening dysphoria every day because they cannot afford the most basic gender reassignment healthcare. Racism in America is entirely inseperable from the foundations of american capitalism, and the racial demonization of Muslims and Asians is directly driven by and furthered for US geopolitical interests. marginalized groups are overrepresented in the service industry, nursing, and logistics, all sectors that were under enormous stress during the last 2 years and that undergo important work struggles now.

      all "social issues" are either at their core material issues or have a strong material side, this is just neglected in the US because liberals love meaningless, gestural Symbolpolitik that glosses over the total disregard for the suffering of working women with performative bullshit like :liberalism: .

  • ajouter [she/her]
    2 years ago

    maybe, but isnt this also material conditions deteriorating? This isn't really the same as like a leak about Trump not getting arrested or whatever.

    • crime [she/her, any]
      2 years ago

      :this: I don't doubt it's a distraction from things like the student loan debt crisis, gas and food costs, and the way that things are particularly dogshit and getting worse rn... but this is also included in "things are dogshit and getting worse"

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]M
    2 years ago

    Social issues are material issues. The whole basis of communist theory is the link between social and material and how all value is synonymous with social value.

    Hell feminism and the "means of reproduction" are things that Lenin, Marx, and Engles talked about (Lenin the most clearly).

    • swampfox [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      i think this is why the media is so dead-set on polarization - aside from the obvious benefit of partitioning the working class it cements electoral politics into a stalemate. So, it seems to defeat both reform and revolution.

      The media must go.

    • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Did anyone bring up that we already :vote:d harder than we ever did in history last time, but it still happened?

    • chauncey [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Yea, they did also point out that Dems can eliminate the filibuster and codify right now... If they wanted to

  • CrimsonDynamo [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Things are so weird these days, it's so hard to have an opinion on things like that for me.

    There is definitely going to be an element of "don't let a good tragedy go to waste" and the stars did finally align with who is sitting on the supreme court. That was part strategy, but mostly lucky accident for the GOP. Three judges?!? During a period where they just successfully ran the Mad King? What luck for them!

    I also have a hard time believing that "the man behind the curtain" gives a damn about our material conditions, even to manipulate us. A lot of us have never experienced anything outside of the status quo that we live in now. Their buddies are getting richer, there's nothing we can do about it, and they control it like it's hooked up to a potentiometer. Naturally, they know there will come a point where they can't squeeze us anymore. We won't be able to afford gas to drive to the depression factories that are our jobs and spin on the hamster wheel for worthless money that all goes back into their pockets when we pay rent, mortgage, utilities, and shop for groceries. We won't be able to afford the houses BlackRock bought up if the prices are insane.

    But I do agree that they keep dangling the carrot for the next election, and it's always the same issues. There are still enough people with something to lose that will fall for it too. Some people's jobs and social circles depend on it.

    As for the leaked draft.... Old people suck at computers.

      • CrimsonDynamo [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Yup. I'm pretty sure we have a date with destiny. I just know I'm going to be thoroughly annoyed by all the post apocalyptic slang that comes out. Everyone is going to LARP their favorite fallout character and die instantly, while some of us have spent a lifetime learning woodsperson skills

  • marzimpan [any]
    2 years ago

    the leak is a distraction. everything is a distraction. you should be currently walking, running, driving to your nearest polling station and :vote:. If they say that there is no election, that is a distraction. If they have desks instead of voting machines, that is a distraction. If they claim that "Sir, this is an elementary school", that is a distraction.

  • extremesatanism [they/them]
    2 years ago

    lol ok sure, and when someone is forced to pass kidney stones without medical treatment that could prevent it that also isn't material conditions

  • Nakoichi [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It's a stupid one because it's extremely easy to point out how they never cared about codifying abortion rights because they've had 50 years to do so.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Maybe, or it could just be one of many things that show the state of the US at the moment. It even kind of correlates with material conditions. The country is regressing and lack of real dedication to fixing anything has to led to previous progress starting to regress.

  • aaro [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Hi just here to say that I unconditionally upbear healthy self-crit, good job comrade :stalin-approval:

  • The_Walkening [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    It's a bad take but I wouldn't put it past people in government using the same thinking in leaking it.