You can’t seriously claim that the weak ass safety net in the US actually serves its weakest citizens. Take a stroll through any homeless camp and tell me they have it as good as ‘average’ third world. No way. Deprivation sucks whether you are on skid row or Zimbabwe
You can’t seriously claim that the weak ass safety net in the US actually serves its weakest citizens.
I wasn't saying that it does.
Take a stroll through any homeless camp and tell me they have it as good as ‘average’ third world.
Your words, not mine. I didn't say the poorest Americans = average Indians. I said that comparing the poorest of one place to the average of another is not a true comparison. I said that because you said:
Life expectancy in some of the poorest pockets of the US matches third world countries
The real comparison would be comparing the poorest homeless people in the US to the poorest homeless people in India. And if you're comparing lifespans, weight, access to food, I will guarantee you that the US homeless will come out on top.
Again this is not to excuse US income inequality or say that the US system is somehow better. This is to point out the fact that the immense amount of resources in the US disguises the fact that the system is utterly broken, more broken than anything in India or African nations. Hence my original comment:
US has some of the highest income inequality on earth. People just don’t notice it because it’s so extravagantly wealthy that even the poorest here live in comparative luxury to the poor in the developing world.
You can’t seriously claim that the weak ass safety net in the US actually serves its weakest citizens. Take a stroll through any homeless camp and tell me they have it as good as ‘average’ third world. No way. Deprivation sucks whether you are on skid row or Zimbabwe
I wasn't saying that it does.
Your words, not mine. I didn't say the poorest Americans = average Indians. I said that comparing the poorest of one place to the average of another is not a true comparison. I said that because you said:
The real comparison would be comparing the poorest homeless people in the US to the poorest homeless people in India. And if you're comparing lifespans, weight, access to food, I will guarantee you that the US homeless will come out on top.
Again this is not to excuse US income inequality or say that the US system is somehow better. This is to point out the fact that the immense amount of resources in the US disguises the fact that the system is utterly broken, more broken than anything in India or African nations. Hence my original comment:
Got it, thanks.