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  • star_wraith [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Whatever happened to the Chilean protests? They seemed pretty lit but then I heard talk of a new constitution (that didn't sound like it was much of an improvement) and then I just stopped hearing any news of protests there.

    • Cherufe [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Chilean here. It was mainly Coronavirus. Chile is the 5th country in the world with most coronavirus cases per capita, at one point we were having 7k new daily causes, wich, if we have had the US population would be the equivalent of over 110k new cases every day. Between the fear of catching coronavirus and spreading it to your family and the lockdown restrictions (you can only move in your "comuna" or sector of the city [dont know how to translate] , otherwise you risk fines or prison time) the thing died down.

      In regards if the new constitution, while it seemed like the bare minimun we could gain from the protest in December, it is still a HUGE deal. Right now we have the 1980 constitution, written during the dictatorship by the Pinochet collaborators without any input from the people. The constitution makes it incredible difficult to pass meaninful legislation (You have to have a supermajority of about 2/3 AND they can still kill the legislation if its deemed unconstitutional). On October 25th we will have a referendum voting Apruebo (Repelling the current constitution and making a new one from scratch with people that would be voted by the electorate), or Rechazo (keeping the constitution).

      • star_wraith [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Thanks for informing me! I wonder if "comuna" translates to "neighborhood"? That's the word I would use to describe a smaller area of a city.

        • Cherufe [he/him]
          4 years ago

          You are welcome! Hmm I think comuna is closer to "district" as in "AOC is a representative from this district", but thanks for the suggestion.