Not to get weird but I am big on porn in my life. I am also fully capable of enjoying things that are not porn. I really don't understand the pathology of people who need evrything to be porn though.
I mean, they kinda did make a hentai thing. The fans just needs to own up to liking a hentai game. They can have some vollyball in their hentai as a treat.
Just say your are horny. Jesus, don't do shit like this. It is just so much less weird to acknowledge you are a hentai sometimes. Why they gotta do this shit?
:geordi-no: "She breathes through her skin"
:geordi-yes: "The biggest reason is that I just really like girls"I didn’t ask, but he told me.
I have a hunch i'll be hearing that in my head in the "you didn't notice, but your brain did" mr. plinkett voice a lot from now on.
From what I recall the FF13 director was also bizarrely in love with Lightning aka Cloud with pink hair
That makes since. You have have to develop some kind of feeling after devoting thousands of hours of highly alienated labor
I think he was trying to like use her as an inspiration for the dev team or something
A hentai that you grind endlessly so you can see... nothing because no one ever takes their tops off :cat-confused:
For these people, it’s not really about everything being porn. It’s that they hate women, and they can’t stand it when female characters are allowed to exist without being sexualized
It looks the same except the boobs aren't in your face?
Imagine if people did this for male characters
"Mario doesn't have a massive bulge, this game is unplayable"
If they made mario into a dadbod hunk Nintendo would catch on fire from the drama that would ensue
All but guaranteed for the movie with Chris Pratt, he's so cool.
If I can't see the top half of Kratos' dick then I'm going to just assume he has no dick.
If they added a bulge is the next Mario game and removed it in it's remaster, I don't know what I would do
Be honest, mario would be better if you got a little turkey neck wouldn't it? Just to see what peach is working with.
I love the "they" because like, who do you mean? Women? Game Devs? Gay people? Jews? All and none of them? There's no coherent answer because blaming any one sounds varying levels of stupid or bigoted(which doesn't bother some of them but there are more normal ones that just have dumb opinions and no ability to think), and the conspiracy just ultimately doesn't make sense. "Destroy the traditional family, then for step two make some of the children's video game characters less sexy." The full on melt-down about gadget from the chip'n dale thing was interesting though.
International judeo-bolshevik titty-reduction conspiracy.
If I ever help someone get breast reduction surgery I'm calling it this.
That she had sex with an insect incapable of speech and produced like 40 kids.
Seems pretty messed up to me, but yeah she was 4chans first crush and they went crazy
Do the people complaining about this sort of thing have a broken imagination or something? Use that spatial-awareness brain and rotate the boob in your mind
My Gamers in Christ, if a woman is going to do some ninja shit, she's wearing a sports bra*. No big bobbers cleavage. Sorry bros. I thought you learned this lesson when Final Fantasy 7 rebooted itself, and Tifa wasn't just a rectangular prism with two rectangular pyramids near the top.
(*Possibly more than one, given how fucked up specialty bra prices can get. But that's not really my wheelhouse—I've just heard some shit from some comrades with painfully big tiddies.)
I want to see Tifa's unrestrained tiddies give her a bloody nose every time she does a Dolphin Kick and they're launched into her face at mach speed :deeper-sadness:
Her breasts are still visibly big with the shading, just no cleave lol.
i stg her eyes are misaligned and it is making me insane.