• DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I got sick and tired of right wingers on instagram pages being absolute smug shits that I have decided to start two foot tackling comment sections and... it seems to be working? Like I am somehow getting hundreds and hundreds of likes on a comment, effectively ratioing them every time.

    This is what my life has become. Instagram beefing with losers.

    But at least my idea of showing balls and not showing fear to these edgelords seems to be working.

      • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        What prompted me to do this is right wingers and far right militias like the one who got sentenced yesterday in Belgium being able to seemingly say whatever they wanted in the comments. I'm talking about militias who posted Pinochet memes about throwing Belgian left wingers out of helicopters, militias who posted pictures of them flexing their biceps in front of a cup that said 'left wing tears' etc.

        I was wondering: 'why isn't anyone calling them out on their LARPish behavior?'. They were getting too comfortable in posting shit without the backlash. The only thing I saw happening was left wing people debating these Nazi fucks. But the thing is, you're not going to win a debate with a people like that. These are people who have no problem lying, spouting bullshit or outright insulting you the moment they may lose face. And why would you even want to convince a nazi shit in the first place?

        I figured that if I wanted to talk to people like myself, as that's my only real reference, I might need another approach next to these people. The two foot tackle is an illegal move in football (soccer) in which you charge into someone with two feet forward. It is banned because you can easily hurt your opponent. Under the premise of 'Make racists afraid again' I wanted to try out being a little shit myself in these comments. After all, if you are posing as a tough guy on the internet, be prepared to get a reaction.

        So I started doing just that. Post a picture of Pinochet under a left wing page? Here's a nice little picture of Barbara Pit you shit. A left wing page posts a screenshot of a politician saying something nasty on Twitter or Instagram? I'll tag the person in the comment and call him a shit talking wanker. A right winger defending a convicted Nazi because of free speech? No, you're living in a fantasy and you're a loser. A famous Belgian Nazi gets sentenced to prison? I'll comment that we are going hard on 'right wing tears'. Etc.

        I'm not debating right wingers/outright nazis with this. I don't feel like doing that, because that's usually not even the game they play. This is the game they play and it has worked for them so far. I also don't always want to reach other left wingers with this. I feel like the guy with a hamsic pfp will probably agree with me regardless of what I say. With this, I hope to appeal to the people on the fence, lurking at these pages. I want to achieve that other people see my comments (which I probably stupidly enough post under my actual, real life account) and think: 'yeah, I don't have to be nice to a Nazi. I don't have to debate them and I don't need to be scared of them.'

        And it works. People actually help me in the responses by just dunking on the Nazi's that come out of the trash.

    • ihaveibs@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Eventually Christopher Nolan will be correctly and ignominiously remembered as a great propagandist instead of an artist

      • Drstrange2love@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        Christopher Nolan He's a technically impeccable director, but I've always seen his films without soul, and without identity. His brother who writes the scripts for his films he knows how to create interesting plots and cool ideas, but he doesn't know how to create a decent ending or keep the story going long-term.

    • ☭CommieWolf☆@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      I saw the film when it came out, apart from the cringe inducing communist house party scene I thought it was alright, pointing out how cold war hysteria reached absurd levels in the US.

      • Demoncracy@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        communist house party scene

        The what? I've never seen the movie and don't intend to. Care to elaborate?

        • ☭CommieWolf☆@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          Theres a scene where Oppenheimer is invited to attend a party hosted by some communist friends of his brother. He has some silly conversations with them where they talk about abolishment of property and ownership, mainly making a lot of smugness all around. Tough to explain but it just feels off, try and find a clip of it if you're curious.

          • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
            7 months ago

            Also the first woman of the movie is introduced in this scene, 3 mins later she is already naked, its so absurd.

            • ☭CommieWolf☆@lemmygrad.ml
              7 months ago

              What I don't see many people talk about is how in my part of the world, and plenty of others, the film was actually censored to remove all of the nudity, so I didn't actually get too bad of an experience in that regard. But the way it was done was bizarrely technical, to the extent in a film that put so much effort into practical effects, that the heaviest amount of CGI used in the film was applying clothing to nude actors, pretty funny.

            • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
              7 months ago

              The scene where Oppenheimer is being interrogated and she’s on his lap staring right at his wife will haunt me for the rest of my life. I understand the metaphor, but it still sucks.

  • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Yet another netflix show with an unhealthy dose of anti-communist propaganda ( the signal ). At this point i am convinced that these netflix shows need to fulfill a certain quota per movie/show to be allowed.

    • besbin@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Pretty much, to get green lighted for broadcasting you need to be at least non-committed to communism and socialism. If you want to have funding to even get your idea put into movies then the more anti communism and pro reactionary you go the better. Extra funding and help from the imperial core governments if you just out right makes propaganda for capitalism, imperialism and willingly sells out your fellow proletariats.

    • ☭CommieWolf☆@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      In the UK, All Royal family reporting is pure theatrics, similar to when the US starts randomly pushing UFO stories. In both cases theres usually something actually important they don't want people to look into.

      • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        Yes. It's news because she hasn't been seen in public for quite a while now and the royal family wishes not to speak about her whereabouts. Rumours has it that she had a surgery which failed and she is now in a possible medical induced coma.

        To calm the rumours the family decided to release this picture but it now appears to be photoshopped or AI. And in a response to the backlash, a press statement by Kate was made saying that 'she sometimes likes to edit pictures as a hobby'.

  • rando895@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I've been thinking... According to modern monetary theory money is just an accounting tool for states with currency sovereignty. Since it posits that taxes give the currency legitimacy, and maybe appropriate personal taxes can adjust wealth based clout, aren't any talk of taxes basically a red herring?

    Power and wealth come from capital and productive capacity, so by by-passing the talk of capital and productive capacity, the conversation is drawn to something that can never actually provide the changes anyone remotely left desires (tax the wealthy for example).

    It makes it easy to ignore that the wealthy are wealthy because they own so much property (Elon Musk has shares which are property), and that the solution is to alleviate them of that burden directly, not through taxation of the property value.

    • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      Not necessarily an MMT specific thing, but yes, the bourgeois focus on taxing labour (wage income) rather than property (capital or land). Interestingly enough, Adam Smith, one of the first liberal intellectuals, argued that land should be taxed rather than labour. The tax topic you illustrate is just one of many examples of how the class and socio-economic basis of things are completely obfuscated by liberal politicians and intellectuals.

      To MMT specifically, it only holds as a lacking description of the US dollar. Look at any other currency, ie any currency which is not the hegemonic global reserve currency, and you'll find that MMT doesn't hold up.

  • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    An elderly man I know (far into his 90s) will probably die soon. He is on hightened supervision for now during what will be his last days. He is a very religious man.

    What I admire is how much at peace with dying he is. He says it's all okay for him because, according to him, he will be reunited with God and his long deceased wife soon.

    I'm not a religious person but I think this is a nice thing for him.

  • Demoncracy@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    My surgery is at the end of next month. What a lying bunch of twats. There's other bad news but I don't have a need to give the details. I hate this country so fucking much. I hope it burns.