man you can really just make up anything you want about "bad guy" countries and people will eat that shit up
I assume this stone is being thrown by the manifest destiny country
If you're gonna make shit up, why stop here? Paint that moon red baby
Starship crashes into a rock on the moon because it's a lighter color than the surrounding terrain.
"It was ghouls! COMMUNIST ghouls who were gonna paint the moon pink!"
also Hainan an Island that's been part of China forever Mao apparently wanted rid of it
I assume it's mostly to have access to the Pacific and in case mineral deposits are found there
Mao Zedong: I want all this territory, but really, FUCK Lake Baikal, goddamn it you can keep that piece of shit lake
I only want the useless points and not the most stable arable climate region for the last 200,000 years.
Ok but why did he want that square in between the caspian and aral seas
HoI4 and it's consequences etc etc
Can't be Hearts of Iron, the other half of the map isn't just France
I clicked and now I have cancer. Expect a call from my lawyers.
Lol real crisis for liberals if they have to pick between sympathizing with China or sympathizing with Russia.