
      • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
        11 months ago

        Yeah it is! It's one of my favorites since I'm more of a tight bass/solid state dork than a "just run everything into an Orange/Matamp/Sunn and let chaos ensue" player, so my options are pretty limited to the Carcosa, the Boss FZ-3 (well, the Behringer clone), and maybe the Civil War version of the EHX Big Muff. That one (well, the JHS version on the Muffuletta) gets into some sick Swedish chainsaw territory if you use it to boost an old Valvestate.

        If you ever get a chance to try one out, the Dr. Scientist "The Elements" is just about the most versatile dirt box ever made. I lost my notes in between PC upgrades, but at one point I was using Rightmark Audio Analyzer with it to match EQ response curves from other common drives (e.g., the Fortin Grind/33) based on stuff posted by Plague Scythe Studios on YouTube. I wish they had a wiki for this stuff, because it definitely gets in the ballpark for a lot of drive pedals.