Wake up, new “China Collapse” video dropped.
i mean its already well known that china is starved for more energy but thats why theyre building the worlds largest dams with ai in 2 years, when it used to take 10 years to build such large constructions. its also why they cut the fat on so many stupid energy uses like bitcoin
also hilarious that he's saying chinese society will collapse if malacca was stuck. like there are a lot of points of failure, such as suez canal. but all of these can be shipped around for a longer period of time. very nonsensical. also jerking off to the USA's international waters claim, but the whole reason the USA has that claim is we want to exploit that area despite having no legitimate basis (re: living near that ocean) to do so
Americans learning about Singapore for the first time when its literally where all their treats come from.
Russia is spending billions on massive new oil refineries, infrastructure, and new ice breaking ships and tankers in the north.
They've clearly been preparing for decoupling with the west for years, and the west has given them the perfect opportunity in Ukraine to do so while the west repeatedly shoots themselves in the feet.
I love that the failsons running the west are now making Kissinger's worst nightmare of a united Russia and China a reality. I guess the one benefit of him still being alive is that he has to watch all this unfold.
I can only hope he suffers the same way Molotov and Iron Lazar did by watching all of his work come undone.
Hey at least they showed Taiwan is part of the PRC in the thumbnail.
The DPP chose to undo all the efforts of the KMT to foster closer ties with the Mainland and constantly antagonised the CPC with independence rhetoric and siding with America.
They also side with imperial Japan dude, not the side you want to be with. Really show your true color there, mate. Also, america want to turn the island into an unsinkable aircraft carrier that contains and threatening China, of course the CPC wary of that. Don't be a comprador or imperialist dog, and you'll be fine.
Can't wait for yellowparenti6 to drop. You don't deserve that u/ btw
Nevertheless it is part of China, just a slightly more independent part than the rest.
Has america? :shrug-outta-hecks:
Co-existence of military powers and location lead to very unfortunate situations. Even if china told taiwan, fine you are independent, just don’t put usa military bases, 10 years later they’ll discover that usa did put military bases into taiwan.
good thing there's no negative associations with the soviet union and nuclear power
damn, if climate change continues then the north pole ice will melt and bad country china can circumvent the very blockable mallacca straights, better get on top of solving climate change post haste
ah all that work to get this fuckin guy off my youtube homepage has been wasted
China will be destroyed by an oil and gas energy crisis! Please pay no attention to Europe dealing with an oil and gas energy crisis at this very moment!
what made this guy an expert in so many things? I guess I admire his confidence
Not to mention the increased investment in renewables and nuclear.
west and its adjutants: "hehehe, sure would be a shame if someone would block mallacca and dumpster your economy"
china: "then i will guarantee that i have the conditions necessary to prevent that from happening"
west: :wojak-nooo: you can't do that that's tyranyyyDo they forget the Siberian pipe line, is gonna be finished in like what 2025, I would like to get a posse of hexbears and go to this nerds house a search for state department contacts this shit is so obviously propaganda.