Chilling at a cabin on a small lake and there are so many goddamn boaters out getting way too close to the shore, the docks, and people in the water. In the last 20 minutes I've seen THREE tubers almost get run over by these petty bourgeois psychos who feel the need to zoom around as much of this tiny ass lake as they possibly can as fast as they can and put everyone else at risk.

We were out on the lake for like 20 minutes before deciding there are too many people out and someone's gonna get hurt. Cabin people are fuckin insane

    • iwillavengeyoufather [she/her]
      3 years ago

      To get a feeling for what the wayfinder is doing all this time with his testicles, it helps to understand ocean swells. These enormous formations are powered by distant storms and steady trade winds and shouldn’t be confused with surface waves which change direction as the local wind shifts. Swells march in consistent ranks across thousands of miles. The swell entertaining surfers in Honolulu is generated by winds south of New Zealand. If you can read the shape of a swell you can tell the direction and strength of the current beneath it, and this is critical because if you don’t know what the current is doing you can steer a perfect course and still get lost. The wayfinder reads the swell by sitting cross-legged and nearly naked on the bottom of his all-vegetable-matter canoe and feeling it in his testicles.

      When the sun and moon can’t help, the wayfinder looks to his on-board pig, who can catch the scent of a distant atoll, its snout pointing the way.