Yesterday I called you lame and one of the weakest groups because you've been scattering and getting repeatedly mashed by the same tactics night after night for a while.

You're still struggling with those charges, but tonight was very cool and I should apologise for that. I'm sorry.

Post tactics in this thread for helping deter/preventing police charges or something I don't know.

EDIT: I just got told ! exists. Go and subscribe to it!

EDIT2: Multiple molotovs thrown in this video

Edit3: Smart initial retreat. What this doesn't show is the moment it breaks up due to police charge though.

Edit4: This shit is cool. can be ordered on ebay under the name "tree stump remover", credit to @SenoraRaton.

Edit5: Read this thread and make lots of these

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    @ApartheidPoliceState suggested this in the megathread:

    "Fishing like across the road. Lots of it. Do it, then move to another direction the cops can travel in by foot, and do it there too. Box them in."

    I like this idea, you can get 1km spools of it and cover a lot of ground. Cars would still be able to drive over it if it's loose but you wouldn't be able to run on it. Lots of good suggestions in this string of responses.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Literally. It's a good idea though, these cops keep doing charges that they start from like 30-40metres away and covering some ground with enough fishing wire would put a complete stop to it.

    • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I was watching last night and thought how funny it would be if someone dumped a few buckets of marbles in the street like a 1980s slapstick cartoon

        • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Pigs would classify marbles as weapons and charge you for each individual marble so people get slammed with 400 counts of assault with a deadly weapon

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 years ago

            That's actually hilarious. Maybe banana skins would be better? 🙃🙃

    • Vayeate [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Literally every cop has a knife and it'd be a single motion to cut several lines

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Braided line doesn't cut easy with a knife(needs good scissors or wire cutters) and if it's all tangled up you're probably better off just rolling it up into a big tumbleweed bundle anyway. The point isn't a permanent barricade, the point is stopping at least one charge or presenting a deterrent to performing a charge. Ideally they'd be on the receiving end of projectiles while cutting anything anyway... Ideally.. I know they're quite passive about that right now but they won't be forever. Every riot cop does not have a knife on hand. Running around with blades to fall on in a riot is dopey. They're not even all armed.