• Houdini@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    Yes this was the only way to avoid the 2018 HRC No Fly Zone escalations against Iran. Listen man, the gorilla was cool but you could be in a far worse timeline.

    • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      It has happened before. It’s a complete toss up and not worth the risk.

      One incident had a female matriarch care for an injured child, protect them from hostile males, and then lay them at the service door so that zoo staff and paramedics could safely retrieve the child.

      Other incidents, primarily by males, have had the gorillas drag the kids around like rag-dolls or beat them to death. Even a probing “love-tap” from a fully grown silverback is usually fatal to a regular child.

      Harambe was curious and checking out the child, but that could have changed in an instant for any reason. It would have taken a fraction of a second for him to kill the kid.

    • OhHiMarx@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      I felt the same way at first but you have keep in mind that the gorilla is pretty capable of defending itself

      • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
        6 months ago

        Not against a fully grown child. That’s usually a one sided encounter. Coughing baby vs Hydrogen bomb. Harambe stood no chance. A gorilla would be instantly mauled by a child.

  • 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    To save a kid? Probably yeah, and I mean, that guy is gonna live the rest of their life knowing that, at least for a time, they were one of the most hated people on the internet. Their family had to go into hiding and delete all their social media due to the harassment. So regardless of if one blames them for it, they have paid for it.

  • Jennie@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    It is sad but yeah, it was necessary in this case. A tranquilliser can take up to a few minutes to take effect and would not have guaranteed the kid's safety.

    The overall issue however is not whether it was justified in this case but the zoos themselves. It is absolutely evil in my eyes to entrap animals in cages and exploit them for entertainment. The entire zoo industry is disgusting and needs to be rid of.

  • Giyuu@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    I don't know if there is any important or necessary conservation of gorillas done by this zoo in particular, but it is as barbaric to have these animals in captivity for amusement as it is barbaric to kidnap people from far away lands and use them as entertainment.

    And even if their goal is conservation, there is still a contradiction in having to display the gorillas for human entertainment to make money to support them.

    Harambe is a victim of capitalism no matter which way you slice it.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    I just remembered this recently since Lego is releasing a figure of him. Our lord and savior literally didn't do anything wrong, he was just checking the kid and it can be seen on the video.

    When questioned about it I remember hearing something like: tranqs would anger him etc which is bullshit and shouldn't have been used either, gorillas are known to care of human kids and they're second closest to us after chimps and the idiots who shot him reacted like the kid fell into the crocodile or cassowary enclosure...

    • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      Harambe was caring for the kid by dragging him like a rag doll around the moat while running and almost drowning him? Or was it the part where he slams the boys face into a concrete floor before dragging him across the enclosure by his leg again?

      Gorillas are not known to care for human kids. They could care less. All it would have taken was for the kid to look Harambe in the eye, make a movement he didn’t like, or a sound he didn’t like, and with one love tap Harambe would have sent him to the moon.

      The incident you’re probably referring to of “gorillas caring for human kids”, was one isolated event, and the gorilla only did that because she was the clan matriarch, and the zookeepers had trained her over multiple years to take her children to the rear service door if they were ever badly injured. She also had to fight off the males who tried to territorially defend against the unconscious kid.

      • Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
        6 months ago

        Gorillas play with their own kids like that, drag them around and stuff, ofc it's rough to us but he saw him as a baby and didn't intend to hurt him, if he wanted to he would have done it in second.




        People screaming didn't help the situation.

        • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
          6 months ago

          It doesn’t matter if they play with their kids like that. It would have killed a human child. Do you know how fragile a three year old is?

          Also that is not true at all. Do you have a source for gorillas playing by dragging their children around and banging them against the ground while almost drowning them? They play wrestle yes, but that was not playing.

          Also I know about all those incident you linked, I described one of them in my first reply. Notice how there are no others showing the opposite side of things. Mostly because human death and gore are banned on YouTube.

          Also I know the people screaming didn’t help. But that doesn’t change the effect.

          How do you think the situation would have played out? Do you really think you know more then the staff of two zoos? The Cincinnati zoo weren’t the ones who shot him, the Gorilla research center in Miami where Harambe was from advised the zoo to shot as the chances of the child not being critically injured or killed was low. Do you really think you know more about Gorillas then people who’ve spent their whole lives studying them?

          • Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
            6 months ago




            • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
              6 months ago


              “Gorilla dads play with their children extremely gently”

              Uh huh. Keep linking the same news article about Binti Jua. The zoo were lucky the kid wasn’t already dead after being dragged and around and drowned like that.

              • Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
                6 months ago


                I linked the ones where they explained that it wasn't trying to kill the kid, if it wanted to, it would have ended him in seconds, the whole situation lasted like 10-15 minutes and he didn't kill him while people around kept screaming like chimps agitating him instead of shutting up and letting the staff to do the same thing they did when this happened in the past. Not to mention they have tranqs strong enough for elephants while they destroy cars and other vehicles and they couldn't do it for gorilla.

                Gorillas never attack unless they feel threatened and a small scared kid could never cause it to feel threatened and it didn't, had everyone remained calm and didn't agitate him, this whole thing could have been avoided and resolved peacefully with zoo staff retrieving the kid.

                Not to mention the absolute worst parents who let this happen in the first place.