Dude literally stalked me and hate replied for hours with different accounts because I correctly called a spade a spade ( Larouche a Nazi) . Pretty wild meltdown after starting strong with that china post haha.
I skimmed his wiki page and he seems like evil/opposite Bernie Sanders lmao.
You've got entryism into the democratic party, anti-semitism, extremely poor attempts at reaching out to POC that seem like outright fascism, conspiracy theories, etc.
Lmao gottem
Got owned so hard they keep creating accounts every few hours spamming some copypasta lol.
Dude literally stalked me and hate replied for hours with different accounts because I correctly called a spade a spade ( Larouche a Nazi) . Pretty wild meltdown after starting strong with that china post haha.
I don't even know who LaRouche is lmao. Apparently some fash or fash adjacent person
Pstsocs are delusional
Oh boy, you should go down that rabbit hole. LaRouche is a bizarre and fascinating figure
I skimmed his wiki page and he seems like evil/opposite Bernie Sanders lmao.
You've got entryism into the democratic party, anti-semitism, extremely poor attempts at reaching out to POC that seem like outright fascism, conspiracy theories, etc.
IIRC, The Dollop did an episode on him a while back, if you want a deep dive
True Anon did one too I think
Fairly certain Chapo had an episode on him as well, though it was a long time ago
I 100% agree with PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS. It's a hell of a rabbit hole. Have a look at the table of contents of his Wiki page. An example is 2.4.9.
Was this guy a magazine publisher as well? Seems to ring some bells
He was all sorts of things. Dude ran a cult that still gets politicians elected today.
He also claims to be a Marxist, but his whole ideology is based on anti-materialism and hatred of dialectics
just typical shit coming from a patsoc