I guess they purposefully put the "minute" there because I fell for this twice :angery:
Duolingo has had quite a few bizarre or poorly worded questions or questions that fail you for completely valid answers
The worst part is that neither of those are even translations of the word. So it doesn't even work as a trick question. They are both just equally valid.
Yes, exactly. It's great to have to try to mindread the devs instead of learning a language
They added Zulu to Duolingo and even my :lmayo: ass can see some poor translations.
They translated "Yebo" as "hello" which yeah it's used in greeting ("Sawubona" - "Yebo"), but Yebo means "yes", and it's more like replying "yeah" when someone greets you.
My dude, report it and then you'll get an email 6 months later that they've added your answer.
What keeps getting me is that sometimes it will offer English contractions and it’s unclear when it wants me to use them
It can also be incredibly inconsistent with kanji, sometimes sentences will just have the wrong onyomi/kunyomi than what's actually used in said sentences
If I didn't already study Japanese I'd be confused as shit
This is why Duolingo sucks and you should just make your own flashcards
It's what I did and still do. Takes fucking ages but you also learn the stuff as you work on it. I basically wrote out targeted dictionaries to learn stuff in high school. At this point vocabulary isn't my biggest focus as kanji so some apps for middle school students have been useful since I can just read and write on my phone. Now if only I could get the motivation to try to learn Chinese again. Hard enough to keep up with Japanese and work full time.
As a test, I've actually tried to use British English whenever possible and it hasn't failed me for it
Don't wanna type out elevator or apartment? Just use lift and flat instead and get that sweet sweet time bonus xp
on a related note, does anyone know if it's still possible somehow to get free Super, like you used to be able to with fake referrals? these ads are absolutely maddening
I installed Blokada and to my surprise it also blocked the ads in Duolingo
Blokada stops a lot of ads actually, it's basically free premiums for games.