i'm not saying they don't, i just remember back in my heyday (message boards, myspace, soulseek, irc) my indie music passion was stoked so hard, steeped in all sorts of deep discussions and camaraderie

i never gave up that passion for music, i'm always checking out new bands and going to a lot of shows. i used to meet so many fellow fanatics and talk and get to know people at shows, now everyone scrambles for the exit before the encore is over. i find new bands with sizable followings, but there's NOWHERE to discuss the music. you have to go to super niche subreddits and hope there's enough genre crossover to hint at a discussion. no one buys albums anymore, it's all singles and streaming

are we just atomized and consumed by the spur of the moment, or am i just suffering from a case of the olds?

edit: btw i'm down for more recommendations, i listen to a little bit of everything

  • Mitski [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    thanks! i have been listening to her over the years and it's wonderful to see her become more widely recognized. i hope she's doing well right now with her current hiatus. she tweeted once, when people were inquiring about how her skin had gotten clear, that she was now "able to pay for health care, a proper diagnosis, + medication, +… able to afford to turn down tours/work to make time for the doctor". maybe i don't notice when other artists do this but she's been quite frank about her experiences working as a touring artist and it's given me more perspective about capitalism and the music industry. like i think she once tweeted about how she never had a place to call home because she was constantly touring all the time. her last tour did remarkably well and i hate the idea that she'd have to come out of hiatus because the money made for merch sales and streaming is nowhere near enough to live comfortably on. i do miss her music very dearly but i sure as hell would stay retired, especially now, if had the means to!