Biden just condemned Antifa, so spare me the vote-shaming crap. Joe Biden is not an ally.— Pat the General Striker 🦺🌹 (@PatTheBerner) September 8, 2020
You can’t have a fascist movement without infrastructure, without youth training programs, with a collective ideological belief, without actual ideological education and experience building to create a real fighting force.
Infrastructure: lol how about the Republican Party (again, 90%+ support for Trump, which has held consistent for years), multiple branches of the federal government, cops, plus all of the right-wing crank organizations that have been lurking below the surface of all of the above for decades?
Youth training programs: all of the above do this; the Kenosha murderer was in some junior cop program.
Collective ideological belief: there are countless right-wing think tanks that have spent decades priming the pump for fascism, to say nothing of the past century of anti-communism as an unquestionable axiom of American political life.
Actual ideological education: the Federalist Society, a cornucopia of College Republican groups, Prager U and the YouTube grifters, all the book companies that published volumes of Ann Coulter-style drivel, the most popular talk radio program in the country, the most popular cable news network in the country, the largest firearm owner association in the country, and on, and on, and on, and on -- and don't forget all the lib outlets that will carry water for fascism even if they won't openly cheerlead it.
Experience building a real fighting force: how many cops and vets are chuds?
You have a few good observations, but holy fucking shit you're not even in the right galaxy on any of this.
Well I guess we disagree then. Personally I think you're being ridiculous and that you don't seem to understand the difference between conservatives and the actual ideological followers of fascism. They are not the same thing.
This is what happens when people call every single thing on the spectrum of fucky authoritarians fascism itself, it confuses people in such a way that they can't tell the fucking difference between the people that want gas chambers and half the bourgeoisie class killed vs the right wing of the bourgeoisie itself.
Palingenetic ultranationalism is a theory concerning generic fascism formulated by British political theorist Roger Griffin. The key element of this theory is the belief that fascism can be defined by its core myth, namely that of revolution in order to achieve a "national rebirth"—palingenesis. Griffin argues that the unique synthesis of palingenesis and ultranationalism differentiates fascism from para-fascism and other authoritarian nationalist ideologies.
They already uncritically support every genocidal war we've fought or are fighting, they already support the concentration camps we're running, they already support the domestic police state we've built, and they're already been primed (via white supremacy) to view all sorts of people as subhuman -- what makes you so sure they'd balk at gas chambers?
You have a few good observations, but holy fucking shit you're not even in the right galaxy on any of this.
Well I guess we disagree then. Personally I think you're being ridiculous and that you don't seem to understand the difference between conservatives and the actual ideological followers of fascism. They are not the same thing.
This is what happens when people call every single thing on the spectrum of fucky authoritarians fascism itself, it confuses people in such a way that they can't tell the fucking difference between the people that want gas chambers and half the bourgeoisie class killed vs the right wing of the bourgeoisie itself.
TL;DR: "Make America Great Again." And while Trump might just say it because it makes the chuds cheer him on, the people cheering actually believe it. And no, they don't need to be some fanatic ready to kill and die for the cause to be fascists -- they just need to support a few people who are like that and then "I'm just doing my job" the rest of the way.
They already uncritically support every genocidal war we've fought or are fighting, they already support the concentration camps we're running, they already support the domestic police state we've built, and they're already been primed (via white supremacy) to view all sorts of people as subhuman -- what makes you so sure they'd balk at gas chambers?
Hmmm. Well we're going to find out I suppose! Our disagreement on the topic won't be changing the outcome.
read Marx liberals