Didn't realize that thread had blown up into a full on struggle session. Sucks that anytime a POC points out a legitimate concern people come out of the woodwork to minimize their concerns.
I just checked that thread again, and damn, I got out called out by the resident cracker who constantly malds about the word "cracker" but he didn't bother tagging me like the coward he is lmao. If you check his history, it's very obvious he has a problem with people who aren't white, and he only gets away with it because Hexbear is too white and a lot of his bullshit flies under the radar of most white people.
But he's an afterthought that barely merits real attention. The actual people I don't feel comfortable about are the white trans people who said, "I do the same with cis people too." Look, Angel is also trans, and if they wanted to make a point about not trusting cis progressives in the same way, Angel would've done so. But they didn't. It's just another way for white people to make everything be about themselves.
What gets me is if you're talking about who I think you're talking about, he totally curved anything I had to say. I deliberately addressed him and he'd have rather responded to the guy who responded to me rather than me directly like he's one of these .works crackers; shit's honestly sickening.
And he's still curving me to this day-- I'm beginning to think ol boy has a problem with Black folk and Black views. The type of cracker to only want you around if you're willing to pledge 100% uncritical assimilationism, fucking disgusting
If you talk about someone behind their back on Hexbear (without tagging them) then that's fucking rude and should at least net you a warning or temp-ban, imho.
Was it a full-on "white people are oppressed" bogus situation?
If not, and it's what I think it is, let 'em vent for now.
Once they do so, many will know better.
I upvoted your comment and agree with you, but getting worked up over what shenanigans white people are up to and their lack of self-criticism at times will just get you flummoxed constantly.
The best policy is to patiently explain that they're wrong to see themselves as victims of racism.
Some will balk and whine, others will realize their wrong.
It's going to be a long time till white people are a minority so let's not ruin our mental health over it.
That's my policy, anyway.
lol You got it. Maybe I'll try to bridge the gap.
Yeah, they may not have ultimately meant it, but they definitely seemed to ultimately imply what you were relaying here of that interaction.
We need solidarity but it must be coalitionary as well and that means recognizing that some groups are more oppressed than others. I once saw a POC comrade say that "it's not an oppression Olympics" but I disagree with what they were getting at; if you're Autistic, trans, and POC, then you're more oppressed than a white Autistic person or POC person or trans person, imho.
That isn't to say that that singularly trans or POC or Autistic person are not suffering, but immediately, say, talking about BIPOC and how we're all " not gonna get a working-class movement like this!" is a wrong look and sends the wrong message.
Honestly, we need to communicate better, imho.
You're talking about the post by Angel, right?
Just looked at that thread, Angel's comment really rings true. Having to wait for someone to really show their true colors before I can bring it up with other white friends since otherwise i'll pick up a reputation as an instigator Usually with Europeans it's when you accidentally send the secret activation codes to trigger an unhinged rant about Romani people.
On the topic of hexbear crackery, I've been seeing some users post yakub stuff in their comments. I thought hexbear banned it a while back or am I wrong? Should I have been reporting them?
The Nation of Islam believe that white people were created in an ancient greek lab by a scientist named Yakub (Who is also the biblical Jacob). Because most white people don't and never will experience actual racism something that sounds like a racist conspiracy theory against them is humorous to them and so they have co-opted it. The problem is that it very easily and depressingly often takes a step further and ends up becoming a joke on black people.
Thank you, I'm starting to understand now. I've heard the reference before (ironically only from white people) but thought it was a meme I didn't get and never understood the origin until now.
Yeah, I know someone in the family that does this, unfortunately.
There is a lore of this man, named Yakub in Arabic, but Jacob as in English... in the Nation of Islam...
He is a self-hating African man, with an intelligent brain (in fact, he was born with a big head)...
He tried to group up the most light-skinned people, and decided to do eugenics on them on an isle called Patmos, where he practiced eugenics and selective breeding for thousands of years before dying...
I... see... I think...
I wanted to respond with "hey, what the fuck does this mean" or "I don't get it" but upon further reading, that's it. There's nothing else to get. It's exactly as you said. Thank you for explaining.
Next question, what does crackers "posting yakub stuff" mean? And why is it banned? Does it mean posting stuff that would be considered yakubian white devil shit or is it the referencing of yakub that's bad?
I thought the yakub stuff was about, I guess, the almost racist jocular self-flagellation of those white people, because, well, they were made by Yaqub, according to that lore...
Then again, it could just easily used to mock black people, by proclaiming they believe in this, as the other poster said...
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Easter was fine... our family and I went to a Catholic church and the usual outings (yk, it's quite multi-ethnic there, with there being South-Asians, Filipinos, Polish etc.)
Honestly, I feel bored and hollow, especially after a lack of sleep (6h) and some caffeine resulting from one of those drinks I had in the outing.... (matcha bubble tea I think)
I'm trying to catch with reading Das Kapital... now at Chapter 14...
Don't worry pal, you can pass easily Chapters 4-6, then after you deal with larger ones like 7, 8-9,
Chapter 10 is a sudden shitshow, that's followed by an okayish 11-13, followed by Chapter 14 then 15.... (Agh..., I dread it now that I go closer, it's like 152 pages or somethin' )
I've resorted at this point to just copy and pasting down the damn chapters and underlining anything interesting on google docs... I'll dm them to ye...
It's admittedly shoddy, but hey, it kinda helps for me I guess
Had an argument with a white person on reddit, now my day is ruined
ShowEglin delenda est, honestly...
But you know, there's always the guilotine, o gue...
At times, I feel the same way, but honestly, it could just stall revolution in Europe, Japan, and other countries aligned with the U.S.
Otherwise, they could turn fascist and, thus, have a no-holds-barred approach to foreign policy (which could prove successful if they're willing to do anything and everything to still be on top).
It'll be even worse for the proletarian movements in the West (people's movements like BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Autistic and other disabled people, etc.).
Imagine if the West just becomes a stalwart of capitalism and fascism (even more than now)? If they strengthen their "base areas" then they can easily retake parts of Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc.
Not saying that it couldn't backfire, but it could also backfire against us.
Oh Haha. I meant Hank Green. I've heard his name thrown around the past few years but have no clue who he is or why.
Maybe a controversial and weird question, but I only feel comfortable asking in this thread.
I'm kinda interested in reading Mein Kampf for anti-Nazi reasons. I know it's going to be garbage but I'm curious from an historical perspective. I don't want to steal it, I used to steal food but I'm thankfully in a position now where stealing would hurt me now more than help me (solidarity though), but I also don't want to support Mein Kampf financially for obvious reasons.
Are there any non-Nazi publishers of Mein Kampf to purchase it from? I realize this is probably a ridiculously stupid question but I just wanted to check if there's any good way for anti-fascists to aquire it. I know I can probably just download a PDF and I'll probably do that but I do like to have physical copies of books.
I actually did something similar when I was fairly young. It is definitely garbage lol. If you do decide to read it, I’d really recommend you get an annotated version. I don’t remember which one I used but I switched partway through because Hitler’s writing is actively uninformative, especially if you don’t know exactly what random weimar republic era controversy he’s whining about. It’s pretty analogous to modern reactionary rhetoric tbh.
Thanks, that's helpful (but unsurprising) to know.
I love your username, by the way. Haha
I would be interested but I cant say 100% wether I would be onboard.
Well depends if you get some people together. I would be at least intrigued...also depends on the time and system we are gonna play etc.
I've been looking into copyleft. I don't know what, for example, ProleWiki uses as its website or domain. I have no idea how to make a website and one that won't be taken down by the state
Are we...are we talking about the same thing ? I thought you were asking for people to play a table top rpg with. Why do we need a website for that ? I assumed a discord server/ call would be enough. Plus I doubt our ttrpg group would get into hotwater since its not like a political organization...unless im missing something.
I got the responses mixed up!
I was responding from my inbox on the top-right and thought you were talking about my Wikipedia alternative idea.
Yes, we could do a Discord server, if anyone is up for it.
And no, we don't need an entire political organization for this.
But yes, now i know that you're talking about my TTRPG idea and not my "Wikipedia alternative for communists" idea (think: EcuRed).
Would you be fine with Pathfinder 2e?
Any suggestions would be nice.
I have literally never played any TTRPG. I'm aware of the lore of some TTRPGs such as Pathfinder because I played the CRPGs, and I know a bit about things such as D&D, World of Darkness, Shadowrun, and Cyberpunk... because I'm a nerd. BUT I'm a complete noob with 0 knowledge about actual gameplay systems and never played a full session of any TTRPG. Just as a disclaimer. I would love to play TTRPGs someday though; I've always wanted to try it. I would be fine with most TTRPGS just hope they dont involve a ton of math because I suck at numbers,
Ah! You played the CRPGs? Both of them? I loved those. Wrath of the Righteous was the best. Haven't played the Warhammer 40K game yet. Also, I can get you up to speed on Pathfinder, if you want, and on the gameplay, which is basically just following along your stats and making decisions. Hell, the DM (Dungeon Master) does all the work.
And the DM can do the math for you.
I got up at a normal time today. Feels good. Should be able to fix my sleep schedule before my next therapy session. You know how there are wife guys? Well, I'm a therapy guy
Dozed off after having ashwagandha and had a nightmare. Maybe took too much? Either way, came unexpectedly. Damn, it sucked...
Ah well.
I love ashwagandha for its effect on sleep due to some anti stress thing, I take half the dosage recommended on the gummy bottle I have, like 150mg or so, since if I don't I have to call the .
Does ashwagandha really help with stress, btw? Because I feel a noticeable effect.
Supposedly, it always hard to tell with supplements it could be merely dyed wood dust and we'd know no better. I'd try playing around with a lower dosage, worst it'll do is nothing.
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نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
The beauty of Latin America is just how diverse people are and how people can be mixed without you even knowing.
My brother came over with his wife and son for Easter. He’s married to a pale English woman and their son shares her whiteness lol. You would never know he’s mixed unless you looked at his parents.
The kind of annoying part is how they insist he’s a light shade of brown when everyone else seems him as a little white boy.
That seems traumatizing, to be constantly pegged down as a white person when you're not.
Would anyone be willing to do a Wikipedia alternative for communists with me? One with the Hexbear brand or maybe our own project entirely?
With a special focus on BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and labor movements and other people's movements (including Autistic movements).
Would have an extensive Spanish section that stakes from EcuRed (Cuba's Wikipedia).