Check off the keywords one by one because he hits them all. Hunter Biden, Russian disinformation, hallmark of tyranny, Russiagate, the list goes on. You can't just play bingo, you play blackout instead.
Interesting that he cries about all his Hitlerjugend friends being censored, but doesn't lose a single word about the US locking up Chelsea Manning for 7 months to extort a confession out of her or Assange's extradition trial and the torturous conditions under which he is held, or Unicorn Riot being taken down for their BLM coverage, or all leftist subs on reddit either being mod-couped or banhammered, or systematic state violence against climate protests all across the imperial core, or the ongoing smear campaign in German media against anybody speaking out for the global south in general or Palestine in particular, or the astroturfing on an unprecedented scale that targets the PRC, or the completely lopsided coverage of unionization efforts in the US, or any of the other disinfo, suppression and censorship campaigns we've recently seen against the left. All of these happened during the same timeframe as the trivialities he lists in his rant, yet all Fash Brownwald cares about is if he can cough his viral payload in the face of an immunocompromised person or if he's allowed to stalk and harass trans people.
I hope he accidentally impales himself on top of an anthill, that lousy little ratfaced fascist grifter.
Unicorn Riot being taken down for their BLM coverage
No fucking way, unicorn riot was taken down for BLM coverage? On what grounds?
I thought they had been taken down? Had heard that on here recently. Might have to check up on that.
Pretty sure they were taken down / deplatformed during the uprisings before later eventually resurfacing on their own hosted platform.
I remember the WOKE stream got taken off of Twitch for a few weeks. They were running an immensly popular stream which had anywhere between 4-12 different live streams from various locations mashed together into one feed. They're not affiliated with Unicorn Riot, but they often had Unicorn Riot's streams on display.
Some of the Unicorn Riot journalists did receive a treatment of CS gas and rubber bullets though. I think Niko got shot in the leg.
I wish this bastard the most painful monkey pox infection on his rectum
Ooh, that's really homophobic. Could you possibly rephrase that?
I had forgotten he's gay, that does indeed sound awful. I'll curse him with something else instead.
You'll see that i have now done something nice for the environment instead. I just love eusocial insects, they have such fascinating habits.
"Attempting to unite state and corporate power."
Welcome to tge status quo of capitalism Glenn glad you could finally make it, it has only been this way since like the 1640's.
Took a look at spotify's "recommended for you" podcasts earlier today and on the top of the list is a ton of true crime alongside jordan peterson. Only podcast I've ever listened to on spotify is :the-podcast: . If big tech is trying to silence these guys they're doing a terrible job ngl
The Russians amplify that stuff. Go check it again, I'm curious to know what's on there now that nobody falls for that crap anymore.
It's censoring his buddies. They'll get around to him sooner or later, it's inevitable. Probably being kept around because he's anti Bolansaro.
Reading his thread, he's not entirely wrong. Many MSM journos are informal agents of the liberal regime and democratic party apparatus. In a sense, they can't afford not to be. The Murdoch press and a number of reactionary outlets like breitbart and Infowars have reduced the state of discourse to mere propaganda, and when you can't raise the bar you need to sink to meet it. So they'll play up the threat of rightoid online forums and use a kind of condescending righteousness in the name of censorship.
Kiwifarms deserved to be scrubbed from the internet, but any mechanism that can accomplish this deserves scrutiny and accountability. I hate to get all slippery slope and all, but the same liberal media that will advocate for Kiwifarms censorship will advocate for the censorship of any non-MSM avenue. I am writing this on a forum that exists because a subreddit got obliterated for leftist speech! Would any of the talking heads care that the Internet be purged of this site and any other that gave a feeling of assembly to those it would consider dangerous for being left wing, "tankie", or controversial? Glenn might be lost in the sauce, but I do think he's got a point here: there is a prerogative within corporate media to blinker the bandwidth of discourse and to to accomplish it they are willing to destroy and sanitize the internet, and furthermore this censorship will be done under the cover of sanctimonious pretenses.
So they’ll play up the threat of rightoid online forums and use a kind of condescending righteousness in the name of censorship
Kiwifarms was a huge threat and it’s good they’ve been deplatformed.
Greenwald frequently only raises concerns like this when it affects a right-winger.
there is a prerogative within corporate media to blinker the bandwidth of discourse and to to accomplish it they are willing to destroy and sanitize the internet, and furthermore this censorship will be done under the cover of sanctimonious pretenses
sure, but that doesn’t relate to what happened here. kiwifarms wasn’t some kind of alternative media or political discourse, it was an online platform for fascists to organize acts of stochastic terrorism.
Kiwifarms deserved to be scrubbed from the internet,
I'll say it again, Kiwifarms deserved to be scrubbed from the internet. I don't regard it as a free speech issue at all to shutter a forum used as a venue for SWATing people or targeting them with violent harassment. That being said, who determines what gets to be online is not currently a democratic or non-ideological process, and so we should examine how and what gets erased, what gets to be on the internet.
Is Glenn being a crank about this? Absolutely.
What exactly made Greenwald go rogue? I thought he was a good voice on “ Intercepted podcast”. He was the most left liberal or the least left leftie on in the left podcast ecosystem. I like he as well just being a more journalist-y podcast rather than a cultural podcast like so many leftie podcasts tend to be. I could use that podcast as sort of digital newspaper to get a more structured understanding of some happenings in the world. It was like a small step above an NPR podcast, but Greenwald was talking about some real shit. It was good addition to a “Democracy at Work” type podcast.
Then he went to the dark-side, what happened? Did the 2016 election and the American media machine do too much psychic damage to him? I feel like there is some missing information in my online lore codex because I am not social platforms.
Did He get Internet poisoned? He is of the generation that I believe doesn’t have the same amount of natural digital toxic resistance. Was he a true believer in “Democratic norms” and/or the meritocracy? He seemed like a smart dude and then out of nowhere I see him on Fox News. What happened?
He loves the spotlight and folks like Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck gave him a platform. He keeps punching left and he keeps getting treats.
I have absolutely no proof but I bet he's getting Thiel money on the downlow. Yeah he's got libertarian brainworms, but his grievances seem too superficial and too focused on the enemies of the right wing culture war to be explained by free speech absolutism alone. I don't think he's an idiot. I think he's a stooge.
It is also no coincidence he's popping off about deplatforming, ranting about Soros and the Democrats, and plugging Rumble and Parlor in the immediate wake of the #DropKiwifarms campaign.
Glenn criticized him on Twitter for killing Gawker, but that was years ago.
Now Glenn's plugging his social media properties.
Seriously, Soros. Baha. If there's anything that marks anyone as a conspiracy theory nutbag, it's mentioning George Soros. "Da Jooz are using their mind control lasers on us!" LOL
On a longer timeline, Glenn has more often been a libertarian type, and his beef with government in the last decade has mostly stemmed from NSA and DHS overreach into the private lives of US citizens, or corrupt schemes to silence political rivals like in Brazil. Greenwald has never really been leftist in the explicit, economical sense, and his left leanings in recent years were borne out of his libertarian free speech absolutist attitudes. That means that as soon as right-wingers like Tucker start crying about being silenced by leftist extremists for "just having views" about trans people or what-have-you, Glenn is very vulnerable to sympathy to those people's "free speech", and he lets that completely override any other moral or ethical considerations.
To him, if a proposed plan of action for the "justice" of a marginalized group may jeopardize their opponents' right to "free speech", including "speech" from the bully pulpit of national media or corporate power that is otherwise morally reprehensible, Glenn's ideology (schniff) demands that he reject that course of action with no further consideration. This, of course, leads him to being a useful idiot stooge for Tucker and Thiel types in our political ecosystem.
He's a very combative and at times contrarian person, and he's got lawyer-brain. He wants to argue and can at times feel set upon or endangered by fictive factions. all of these things combined mean that he is very at risk for twitter addiction. The idea that someone on the internet might be talking about him on twitter keeps him agitated, and once he got to the point where one vaguely defined faction started critiquing him, and another started praising him, and he's bound to switch into a right wing configuration. He's got a different valency now, like an energized molecule, and it's one that provides more attention and funding. stronger men have fallen to these temptations.
his twink BF ought to swat that phone out of his hands and get him to volunteer at an animal shelter, but this will not come to pass. Now he is fallen, and we ought to pray for his soul.
During the failed attempt in January to force Spotify to remove Joe Rogan, the country's most popular podcaster – remember that? – I wrote that the current religion of Western liberals in politics and media is censorship: their prime weapon of activism.
The failed attempt at stopping the viral spread of covid misinfo? Do you rEmEmBeR tHaT, fucking class traitor?
(soulless Bookchin PMC redditor scoffs): "I don't fucking care about stopping 80 million Americans from getting long covid disabilities. You're just instrumentalizing disability-through-viral-infection to justify your totalitarian anti-free market agenda
I love how these anarcho-neoliberal all use the same NPC dialog. Whether they're woke or anti-woke, all radlibs have the exact same anti-communist (or sorry, these freaks only hate "sTaLiNiSm") ideology
religion is when people think and do things, the more people do things the more religious they are
Glenn must sound like a pair of maracas when he walks because of all the fucking rocks in his head. His whole schtick about being Big Mad about Big Tech was already clapped out 13 seconds after he started.
He's still talking about the Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal! It seems to have broken him in some way. I guess seeing the MSM cover up the laptop story and denounce anyone who mentioned it as a foreign agent soured him, and now he's just trying to make money. It's a shame there's so much money in being a Right wing ideologue. Wingnut Welfare and the like.
The whole thing was nothing but a Russian disinformation conspiracy from the beginning..
I'm having difficulty in deciphering your tone. You are being sarcastic?
They aren't, peep the post history. It's a lot of fuckshit, including repeating the russian propaganda line. I think people upvote because they think it's a bit, but this account is sus
I'll give him that. The way the media (social and television) conspired to sweep that right under the rug was fucking nuts. But he is not selling the case by commiserating about it with :libs-owned: and :live-tucker-reaction: .
What's wrong fascists, I thought you hated lugenpresse? Keffals just stopped a major lugenpresse that also just so happened to be an internet mafia.