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CROSSCODE CROSSCODE CROSSCODE. If you like action RPGs, tough but fair gameplay, skill tress, side quests, gear optimisation, massive damage numbers, and an epic story, then it's for you. 60 ish hours of gameplay, free demo on steam or online at The demo is the extended tutorial section, the game opens up significantly after that into a real RPG.
Check out Monster Hunter World if you dig boss fights. The whole game is essentially a series of boss fights.
It’s fairly easy at first but the difficulty ramps up significantly, and there’s a ton of content.
It depends what you liked about Dark Souls. Hollow Knight is imo the best game to follow the tone and general experience of Dark Souls. But if you just want tough but fair boss fights, then i can't recommend Furi enough, it's not similar to Dark souls in gameplay but its all bosses that give the same feeling of accomplishment.
Hollow Knight is very heavy on fancy pants boss fights.
La Mulana has loads of them too, and the major bosses are all very impressive, but it's also an unbelievably unforgiving pile of puzzles.
Nioh is my favorite "Soulslike" game, I haven't played the second yet because it's only on PS4 atm but I've heard it's good too. I would second Hollow Knight and Monster Hunter World, and also recommend Blasphemous and Mortal Shell (Epic Store exclusive).
I really enjoyed The Surge. It's a fairly competent sci-fi souls-like, but it does have a bit of jank. It's far from perfect, but the sequel apparently hits all the right notes that they learned from the first installment. I think it's well worth a look if it's on sale.
The boss fights are great but there's few of them. There's 4, maybe 5 bosses IIRC? Not counting DLC. I haven;t played the sequel, but I'm waiting for that to drop in price before I jump in.
Seconding Hollow Knight as the most obvious follow up. It's just so excellently executed.
Jedi Fallen Order is in many ways a cheaper, Star Wars themed Dark Souls, but if you like the Star Wars IP, it can be pretty fun. Not sure if they ever patched all the bugs. I didn't run into too many on Xbox, but PC might be an entirely different experience.
I'll also throw out Enter the Gungeon as something that might keep you occupied. It's insane and over the top, but really difficult to master. Depends on how you feel about roguelikes, but I'd say give it a look.