currently being yelled at for "denying genocide" 🙃

  • mrbigcheese [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There's over 12 million Uyghurs in Xinjiang, this is not done on ANY scale that indicates any sort of systemic cultural extermination or suppression. People practice their religion and culture freely, the whole thing is aimed at Wahhabist influence across the region, not either indigenous people or indigenous culture. Theres probably overstepping but its ridiculous what people are claiming is happening or what they think Xinjiang is like. Wages have been going up, the population has been going up, living conditions have been improving, life expectancy has been improving. What exactly do you think development is outside of 1st world countries? China has lifted more people out of poverty than the US and Europe combined, its hardly contentious to try and educate and give people jobs and good living conditions.

    • furryanarchy [comrade/them,they/them]
      4 years ago

      It still looks pretty sketchy and should be watched closely to make sure nothing bad is going on. Which it doesn't appear to be so far.

    • BlueMagaChud [any]
      4 years ago

      WTF they're doing cultural genocide against foreign Wahhabi/Salafist reactionaries trying to build the ETIM that are suspiciously well funded? I can't believe people could even think of siding with China against the same gentle innocent Wahhabi/Salafist reactionary movement that created ISIS. We must defend reactionary extremists against the evils of Chinese education!

        • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
          4 years ago

          People keep bringing up these "violent Wahhabist reactionaries" and yet I can't find any evidence of a militant puritanical movement in the region. All I can find are separatist groups trying to recover their land that Beijing annexed decades ago. The only coherent Islamic organizations I can find in the region are Sufi tariqas, which by their very nature as mystical and (arguably) semi-syncretic movements are diametrically opposed to puritanism. Beijing has already signaled its suspicion or even dislike of Islam by doing things like banning Halal products and razing mosques and rebuilding them in the shape of Buddhist temples. Talk about thinking critically about state department narratives, the west has used Salafism as a code for "any Muslims willing to fight against our exploitation of their people and resources" for decades now. Christ if we learn anything from the Middle-East-Forever-War it should be that repressing religious communities to try and impose our own ideals is a completely futile and quite frankly horrifying practice. China does not need to fear Wahhabis or Salafis or any of the Muslims who are actually in Xinjiang, they just want the rich natural resources of the area and to completely homogenize the population by overrunning minority regions with Han settlers. Xinjiang does not belong to Han China, it belongs to Uighurs. The idea that Beijing has some obligation to "uplift" the population of Turkestan through what I can only call Hanification is no different than the White Man's Burden to "civilize" indigenous Americans and Africans. Is the core tenet of anti imperialism not "If someone doesn't actively want to be a part your nation, leave them the fuck alone?"

          • gayhobbes [he/him]
            4 years ago

            People keep bringing up these “violent Wahhabist reactionaries” and yet I can’t find any evidence of a militant puritanical movement in the region.

            Oh worm?

            • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
              4 years ago

              All I see in this article is systematic discrimination and abuse of an ethnic minority by the Han. It makes no mention of any militant organization, but it is a great example of how they develop. Yeah, cultural and ethnic discrimination in a region that was militarily annexed by the very ethnic majority that abuses them will breed anti establishment sentiment in the population. That is not a purely Muslim phenomenon, nor is it entirely unjustified. Being told to just accept that you must integrate into a new nation where you will forever be a minority stigmatized for your cultural background is very worth resistance as far as I'm concerned. This article even outlines how Uighurs are forced to do things that are directly opposed to their religious beliefs and effectively make them sinners. I'm not sure what you see in this article that I don't, but if you're opposed to ethnic minorities rioting against systemic abuse then I think we're not on the same page.

              • gayhobbes [he/him]
                4 years ago

                I linked to a Twitter thread that explains a lot, and you read the article? Why?

          • BlueMagaChud [any]
            4 years ago

            Really, no evidence? How about some very western sources. Repressing religious reactionaries is the job of communists and must be done to prevent them from instituting a dictatorship of first estate bourgeoisie. Beijing is obligated to take the mass line in Xianjiang and use it to improve the lives of those living there as well as defend the dictatorship of the proletariat against the depredation of bourgeois fifth columnists since the territory was liberated from the KMT in 1949. Are you saying that anti-imperialism is allowing separatist movements to balkanize into nations too weak to defend against imperialist depredation? Should Tibet be "freed" so that it's old national bourgeoisie can reinstate feudal slavery?

      • constantly_dabbing [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        foreign Wahhabi/Salafist reactionaries trying to build the ETIM that are suspiciously well funded

        russiagate for smoothbrain tankies. Also look up what "reactionary" means, I think being reactionary against a colonialist project to remove a group of people for the sake of your market is communism.

    • constantly_dabbing [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      its hardly contentious to try and educate and give people jobs and good living conditions.

      tankies will never, ever use Marxism, can you think of a reason why?