currently being yelled at for "denying genocide" 🙃

  • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
    4 years ago

    While I agree with your point that by our concept of living standards it would benefit the population of Xinjiang to join with Beijing, forcing them to do so will not create Marxists it will create fascists and radicals. Communism can only spread effectively through self determination. When the people of Turkestan realize how much they would benefit by changing their practices, they will do so and our global movement will rejoice with blackjack and hookers. However, it is impossible to force an ideology without creating an equal or greater opposition movement. Look at the former Warsaw Pact states. states like Estonia that were subject to heavy occupation and Marxist Rusificitation now have the largest ardently fascist populations. If the United States' global efforts have taught us one thing, it is that revolutions must be supported, not created, if they are to succeed.