I’m playing through the remake now and getting intensely anticapitalist vibes
I also just started it and yeah it actually has pretty good class politics for a dating simulator
Kinda? There's a special scene in the lull between the second and third acts where Cloud has a Moment with one of his party members. Barret's is the hardest to get and honestly also pretty great. It's not romantic tho. I can link it/them if you want to see it/them
Moreso than in the original IMO. Barret's honestly the standout character of the remake, he's so good. And I say this as a trans girl whose egg was partially cracked by sheer envy aimed at Aerith's look
Moreso the boots and her jacket, I've since discovered that dresses do nothing for me. I'm a jumpsuit gal honestly. I have a pair of coveralls which I'm pretty sure are actually intended for doing manual labor in, and I wear it with a heeled boot and I feel so fucking queer
Weird thing is, I've since disovered that I prefer to present more masc. I think I was envious mainly of Aerith's combat boots and her attitude lmao
The whole time Aerith is hatching the plan for Cloud to sneak into Corneo's mansion, he's acting like he doesn't want to do it but then he goes out of his way to get the best lingerie and makeup and tiara and ends up the prettiest girl.
He did have his gender confirmed by medical means. He never felt like he was the man he wanted to be and and after an underground treatment society saw him that way. There is something there
The remake doesn't reach the part where the date happens, so we won't know until then.
Ohhh that makes more sense. I've only played the og, 'please insert disc 2' lol
Remake only gets to the end of Midgar.
I'm actually super concerned that they are only doing 1 more game. I do not think the rest can fit in one game. Needs two in my opinion or they need to completely change the pacing. I felt like one very fair criticism of the remake is that the original has much better pacing. I got annoyed with the pacing in the remake multiple times just feeling like it was taking way too long to get through some sections that should have been quick. Some parts were expanded well and some should not have been.
Barret had a daughter with another man and the only important emotial depth they give to him is his relationship with that other man and their daughter. Barret can only be a power bottom. This is the 90s and they give him a weapon that works best in the rear. He is pretty Bara in some of his concept art as well.
He just wants to be a publican and a doting father but there's a maniacal corporation that needs exploding and a whole planet that needs healing and a whole jenova that needs... idk what jenova calls for tbh
I think that jenova plot was mishandled but short of writing a 10k page fanfiction that accidentally perfectly describes my mental illness there isn't much to do about it.
I like the whole underlying shared consciousness vibes, I dislike/misunderstand the fragmented genetic clones thing. Was jenova an embodiment of mako/lifestream? Or was it just doctor whatsisface in (niblheim?) that created mako soldiers (and Vincent?) and it went awry?
Idfk its been years since I revisited it and this is pushing the bounds of my latent memories of it all
you could do that in the PS1 game too. you can ride the ferris wheel with him.
A mild side rant here, this is why the Remake for me is personally so disappointing. It recreates everything in pretty graphics, but it completely missed out on the main crux of the story, which is a cool anticapitalist tale about environmental destruction from greed.
The remake instead
put the thrust of the story into weird multiverse timeloop remake but not really remake, Kingdom Hearts style nonsensical plot this time would be different self referential nostalgia fanservice. Can you as TRUEfan notice the SUBTLE difference? Oh so subtle! Timeghost? Multidimensional ghosts? Where's waldo? Where's waldo? Tifa or Aerith? Please buy our remake of this ancap tale about greed and environmental destruction, but we chopped it into 3 full priced games and each with their own full priced DLC. Consume products get excited about next product and stay engaged.
Totally disagree both on your interpretation of their execution and even their intent.
In terms of their adherence to an anti-capitalist narrative, the remake is much more blunt about how evil Shinra is and how they are willing to murder any amount of people and abuse the planet if it makes them an extra buck. There's a point where Barret literally goes off about how the in universe Paw Patrol is copaganda.
put the thrust of the story into weird multiverse timeloop remake but not really remake, Kingdom Hearts style nonsensical plot this time would be different self referential nostalgia fanservice. Can you as TRUEfan notice the SUBTLE difference? Oh so subtle! Timeghost? Multidimensional ghosts? Where’s waldo? Where’s waldo? Tifa or Aerith?
Objectively based. They kept advertising this game as a faithful remake of the original and that would have been awful. FF7 holds up perfectly fine and the fans who were shitting their pants because there are changes just want the same slop but repackaged. Legitimately a MGS2 level bait and switch that I adore, it helps that the game itself plays very well and the characters are much more fleshed out. I think I could live my entire life without another "faithful remake but with HD graphics of a game that hasn't really aged poorly."
Tifa or Aerith?
no no no, it's Tifa and Aerith. FF7R is so based they took the two main love interests of the original and made them gay as shit. Not even in an exploitative way, they just decided to throw in these sapphic scenes while Cloud chewed on the floorboards or something. Direct upgrade from the original.
Please buy our remake of this ancap tale about greed and environmental destruction, but we chopped it into 3 full priced games and each with their own full priced DLC. Consume products get excited about next product and stay engaged.
FF7R was like a 40 hour game and the DLC was like 12 (and was fantastic).
it’s Tifa and Aerith. FF7R is so based they took the two main love interests of the original and made them gay as shit. Not even in an exploitative way, they just decided to throw in these sapphic scenes while Cloud chewed on the floorboards or something.
:hexbear-lesbian: I might actually want to play the remake now. :
Thats fair enough, I'm glad that you liked it. I'm personally a bit more cynical - I think finance wise SqEnix realized they cannot sell a faithful adaptation in piecewise 3-4 full priced game, they are afraid that zoomers and newcomers will simply finish part 1 then got curious, play the OG and never buy the 2nd 3rd 4th part and spoil themselves.
I'm fine with theme of fight and overcome destiny. But I would rather them telling a new story than adapting an existing and complete story, remixing it and changing the crux of the message from Exxon bad, to overcome destiny, do rights from wrong? (i thought FF7 ending is okay, so nothing really to undo really)
Yeah Squeenix is a trash fire
We haven't been developing FF7R2 but here buy these collectible toys that come with NFTs to tide you over
but I find that my opinion on them is basically reversed from what it was growing up. I used to say that FF7 had boring gameplay and a cool story, now FF7R has great gameplay and a disappointing story.
Great gameplay? I played the demo and couldn't stand it. I understand dumping jrpg random encounters in today's age, but I didn't like the combat at all.
I agree with you somewhat. It's really frustrating, because I wanted more questions answered about Final Fantasy, not to be given more questions. Situations that were already ambiguous are now even worse. I wish the parallel universe trend would stop, but it's really clear that society in general really wants to believe there's a better world out there. It's all escapist fantasy if you think about it. It's just getting really on the nose because we know how bad the world is going right now.
Oh yeah no it's really explicit.
spoilers for the parts of the game not yet covered in the remake
Problem is, it doesn't stick the landing. Barret's character arc is that he eventually realizes that eco terrorism is bad, which sucks. But I'm also willing to bet that will change in the remake
they've been grappling with that subject a lot so far and they've gone the opposite direction - i.e. Shinra is explicitly to blame for the unintentional loss of life, not the protagonists. so if they try to swing all the way back around to "eco-terrorism bad", they'll have a muddy mess on their hands and it won't resonate.
that said, given that it's Tetsuya Nomura directing this (of Kingdom Hearts fame), a muddy mess is guaranteed by the end.
But also Nomura is responsible for the insane bullshit of why I love kingdom hearts so :lets-fucking-go:
it's quite simply too big brained for me. I'm just not smart enough to understand Kingdom Hearts. it's at least one level too far above and beyond; maybe more, I wouldn't know, it's over my head.
Dunkeys video is a perfect summation tbh
Really enjoyed 1, fell off the bandwagon thereafter
Is Dunkey actually worth watching? Because I’ll watch it if so
If I could have kingdom hearts without most of the Disney stuff I would be so happy. My favorite is Birth By Sleep, which is absolutely insane gibberish to introduce you to several characters that have actually been driving this nonsense plot the whole time
The do say ecoterrorism is bad. But then they go to directly to kill the source of the probelms so revolution is still on the table.
Wait, the remake only covers the first disc of the original? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding
Not the whole first disc, just the Midgar portion. But with the detail it goes into, and with how modern AAA rpgs can't really get away with the same level of abstraction they used to, it honestly feels like it works really really well, outside of a few small sections that could have easily been cut. Also, there are aspects of the Compilation that were added where it makes sense.
The whole game is going to be covered in a total of 3 games, apparently
It its not cheap about it. They make that disc one feel like a great fulfilling game in its own right
Avalanche did nothing wrong!!!!!
Finished my first playthrough recently, and I've been working through hard mode, definitely enjoyed the game, i think it works well as a remake, and love that if anything they've leaned even more into the anticapitalism
Hell yeah! Didn't know we had an Avalanche emote now. Just need Jessie with a grenade to go with it lol
Consider this; if FF7 Rebirth follows the same general trends as FF7 Remake, the boss battle against a drunken, ass-twerking Palmer is going to be a three-phase battle with its own unique OST.
Wait, there was a game? I thought the point was to just watch the Knights of the Round over and over
I thought the point was to just watch the Knights of the Round over and over
:yes-hahaha-yes-r: but why do that when you can just play through the FFXIV 8 man trial they based entirely off the Knights of the Round summon
14 is actually the first and only FF game I've ever played, and every day I find out that another thing in it isn't original, but a callback to another FF game.
I mean I already knew about the Heavens' Ward/Knights of the Round, but I swear to god is there anything in that game that's actually from that game lol
Most everything is a reference/callback to a previous FF either in name, design, or on the nose references.
Tbh it even extends to things outside of the series depending on the localization you're playing with - the English version of the game loves to throw in a reference whenever possible lol. The achievement you get for opening chests in the Treasure Map dungeons? Aqua Gleam Hunter Force. A bunch of Simpsons references here and there, like the PLD job quests.
It's getting to the point where I'm just assuming everything that isn't a reference to [Not FF] is a reference to FF
As a personal rule, I don't game online with strangers and don't know anyone IRL who plays FF14 :deeper-sadness:
The original game's translation is pretty poor, but the "Beacause" fan translation really sharpened up all the text and was pretty high quality. I played a modded PS1 rom version instead of the PC version, because it was much, much easier to load the game into an emulator than get it to run on PC natively.
I tried playing the remake but it was too character makes anime noise for me and got a bit boring. There's this one part where you fight some overly enthusiastic motorcycle dude and my patience really thinned out at that point.
Dunno about the remake, never played it, but the original yeah. There's quite a few moments where the game condemns capitalism ala Shinra.
Got the old PS1 version sitting in my PS emulator library just waiting for me to be in a more calm and focused state of mind. I wonder if getting to Cosmo Canyon will hit the same as it did in the late 90's?
Honestly i think it will hold up. I missed out on it as a kid, and only played the original a couple years ago and i was blown away!
Hehe... I went from playing the NES Final Fantasy straight to FF7 and it broke my young teenage brain.
I bought it on my psp and my switch and couldn't be bothered to replay it.
I think it'll hit the same way, but you'll feel different about it. It would be worth a laugh at least.
Nope. They really make the class disparity clearer than in the original version. The remake as far as I know ends with the party leaving Midgar. The later parts are coming in a few years because we can't have complete stories in a single serving or with a single price tag.
So to answer your question, the game itself is anticapitalist, but the developers in power are very much not.
Japan is pretty much nazbol as a country. Just randomly you will hear them drop some marxist theory. We force them to do some liberalism now and again but they don't like it.
i don't feel like it's cool to generalize over 100 million people like that. japan has had some serious leftist movements in the past and it does them a disservice to treat the country as a homogeneous entity. feels kind of racist to me
They had some serious leftist movements. Till we paid the yakuza to tear them appart. What is left is both conservative nationalism and marxist egalitarian. That is their default position. Thre same way we are default center right as a people.
i guess that's fair? it's just pretty close rhetoric wise to some stuff that's not.
like, that's the attitude anime chuds have about japan, that the country is all based and trad except for some radical leftists censoring their beloved treats, just from the opposite end.
I am being slightly reductive. The lumpen japanese person has no real coherent political consciousness same as us. There cultural residue just has them skipping the period of social liberalization everyone else in the west got.
Chuds judging what they see in childrens cartoons would see that
yeah, i don't mean to say that you're as bad as them or anything, i just was trying to explain why your comment rubbed me the wrong way a little
Fair critique. I'm perhaps overly defensive cause I see comrades thinking their low level marxism means more than it does. Where in reality it is just cultural differences we can't appreciate