I moved about halfway across the country for work, but training got canceled this week do to weather. I'm currently living in a (very weird) airbnb in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and would like some more podcasts to listen to. Currently I am a big fan of Trillbilly Worker's Party and I grudgingly listen to Chapo but a lot of their casual sexism is pretty off-putting.

  • bubbalu [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Have you found any episodes of 5-4 or similar dismantling the hero-worship of Ruth Bader Ginsberg? I read about opposition to her nomination by feminist groups as an aside somewhere but haven't looked into it. I've been a bit irritated recently since my family sort of lionizes her and a more nuanced perspective would be nice.

    • AccordionTomato [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I haven't listened to too many episodes of it, but it takes a more systemic look at how fucked the court is. It points out how the court's previous decisions paint a picture of a corrupt and ineffective institution.